This Mod Podge formula guide explains all of the different formulas and how to use them. Updated with all of the new formulas for this year! There’s also a video. Scroll down to see it!

You’ve asked it in a few different ways, but the basic question is the same. I’m ready to explain to you with my Mod Podge formula guide – so let’s do this thing. And in case you are wondering if you should make your own Mod Podge, the answer is no. Here’s why.
#1 thing to remember: All Mod Podge formulas are essentially the same in that they can all do three things. They are all good for gluing, sealing, and finishing.
The finish or use may be different, but they are all capable of those three things. Don’t forget that. Now read on to get the Mod Podge formula guide – but before you do that, check out this Mod Podge formula guide video!
Mod Podge Formula Guide
Are you ready to check out the Mod Podge formulas? Click on the name of the formula to go to a specific post about it and get sample projects. Let’s dive in!
Classic Mod Podge: Gloss, Matte, Satin
There are THREE formulas that fall under this umbrella: Gloss, Matte, and Satin. When the best decoupage medium in the world was developed over 50 years ago by Jan Wetstone, it started with Gloss and Matte . . . . at a later date, the Satin formula came along. They’re exactly the same minus the finish:
- Gloss – Shiny finish.
- Matte – Non-shiny (flat) finish.
- Satin – slightly shiny finish in between the above two.
With the Gloss formula, I typically receive the feedback that “after it’s dry, it’s sticky.” Sometimes I hear that about Matte too.
It really depends on the climate you live in, but there’s a very simple solution: spray with several coats of a clear acrylic sealer and you’ll be fine. Stickiness be gone! Extra protection too.
Result: great for all types of projects and most surfaces. These are your all-around Mod Podge.
Okay. Now after the three classics were born, the people at Plaid thought, “What if we developed Mod Podge in different formulas – for specific needs?” So they did. Which is why we have a Mod Podge formula guide!
The makers of Podge kept the two classics around, so if you notice that some of these properties overlap with those three classic formulas, you are correct. But think about it – can you really get rid of the original formulas? No way.
Brushstroke Mod Podge
Are you looking to get the look of a hand painted image without the hefty price tag? Simply paint Brushstroke Mod Podge over the top for a highly textured finish for an artistic look. Comes in Gloss or Matte.
Result: Very textured and dimensional (yet clear) and gives you the look of hand painting.
Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge
You asked for it, and now you finally have it! This dishwasher friendly formula was released in January 2014. It does the gluing, sealing and finishing of regular decoupage medium – but now you can put those items in the top rack of the dishwasher!
You should still keep this formula away from food and your mouth (3/4″ from the top of a glass), but now you can add items to cups, plates, and more . . . and wash them! Gloss finish. It MUST cure 28 days before washing.
Result: Use to add paper or fabric to something you want to wash (top rack dishwasher or hand wash only).
Extreme Glitter Mod Podge
Do you want Sparkle Mod Podge on steroids? Because that’s what this is! This formula contains ultra fine glitter and LOTS of it . . . so you wouldn’t want to put it over a paper or fabric where you want to see fine detail.
It looks great on all colors of surfaces but best on anything dark because the glitter really pops. I also love it on glass.
Result: Amazingly glittery finished surface that looks best on dark surfaces. Think “galaxy themed!”
Fabric Mod Podge
It’s not just wood or paper that people like to decoupage – it’s fabric too! Not only that, you know I love to decoupage fabric TO other surfaces. This formula does both.
You can decoupage things to fabric with it, and you can prepare fabric for decoupaging to surfaces by lightly brushing on and allowing to dry before cutting. It eliminates fraying. Here are 20 things you can do with Fabric Mod Podge.
Result: It’s main use is to adhere fabric to fabric so that it remains washable. Use to prepare fabric for decoupaging to surfaces and for decoupaging things onto fabric.
Furniture Mod Podge
This formula is similar to Hard Coat, but developed just for furniture pieces – also just comes in 16 oz. . . because you’re probably going to need more than the standard 8 oz bottle!
Result: Use for any furniture re-dos that you take on . . . like one of these decoupage furniture projects.
Mod Podge Glow in the Dark
Exactly what it sounds like. It’s the gloss Mod Podge with crushed fireflies! Kidding. Anyway, you’ll need to apply several coats for the best glowing effect. I love this stuff for kids’ project and my favorite-est holiday in the world, Halloween.
Result: You can’t really see the finish when the lights are on, but it glows-in-the-dark! Expose to light to recharge.
Hard Coat Mod Podge
This formula was specially developed to be super tough! Provides extra protection for projects that are frequently used and handled. It has a satin finish, which is somewhere between matte and gloss. It doesn’t show the scratches like the matte or gloss!
Result: perfect for furniture like tables and dressers. It’s the ultimate durable Mod Podge finish.
Outdoor Mod Podge
Decoupage + stuff that goes outdoors. . . . = Outdoor Mod Podge? Yes! Protects your decoupage project from moisture and the elements. Great for clay pots.
Result: Pretty simple: anything you decoupage that you want to sit outside. While you don’t *have* to, I recommend also sealing with an outdoor sealer for added durability.
Paper Mod Podge
A lot of people are confused by this one – can’t regular Mod Podge be used for paper. YES!
Here’s the thing though: the Mod Podge gurus realized that there is a group out there that do more advanced paper projects; scrapbooking to be specific. These people like their projects to be archival, and that means they want their glues to be as well.
Result: Paper Mod Podge is archival quality, keeps photos and papers from yellowing, and extends the life of scrapbooking projects. Comes in a gloss and matte finish.
Puzzle Saver Mod Podge
You’re probably not going to need an entire 8 oz. bottle of decoupage medium to seal a puzzle – and it might be nice to have a brush included, especially if you aren’t a regular crafter. Great idea, right?
Well, the makers of Mod Podge thought so too, so they put together a little 2 oz. bottle of Mod Podge with a brush on a card. It still comes in an 8 oz. bottle for serious puzzlers.
You can use the Classic formulas to seal puzzles too; this was created for folks who aren’t regular decoupagers but still have a need for the good stuff (it’s easy to identify!).
Result: Basic formula with simple Gloss finish.
Sparkle Mod Podge
Did you know there is a decoupage medium with glitter already inside? Yes. Sparkle Mod Podge contains hologram glitter pieces (rainbow effect) in a gloss base. Use several coats for more sparkle and shine.
Result: Adds glitz to your project in a minimum of one coat. Note that this shows up great on dark surfaces.
Super Matte Mod Podge
You know that chalk paint and finishes are all the rage right now. You can get that smooth, luxurious feel of a finish with this formula.
It’s hard to explain this formula is until you see it with your own eyes, and run your hand along it. I think it’s an amazing finish for furniture, especially a vintage item that you want to protect.
Result: VERY flat (no shine) and soft to the touch. No brushstrokes.
Mod Podge Ultra
This formula takes your standard decoupage medium to a whole new level! As you can see, it’s in a spray bottle, which I know y’all have been asking about for years. Here are the amazing features.
- NON-tacky
- Spray application
- Multi-surface – wood, fabric, terra cotta, and more
- Indoor or Outdoor (water resistant and UV resistant)
- Self leveling, no brush strokes
- Highly durable!
Result: yes, it basically does everything in a spray. You can brush it on too! Comes in a Gloss or Matte finish.
Special Formulas
There are a few special Mod Podge formulas that don’t do the gluing, but they act as special finishes and are complimentary to all of the decoupage products above. Here they are.
Diamond Top Coat
Preserve the beauty of your diamond puzzle projects and more with this Diamond Top Coat. This finish is a great way to make sure your diamond paintings stay together in order to display.
Result: A shiny, clear finish that doesn’t dull sparkle!
Mod Podge Dimensional Magic
Traditional resins give you a hard, varnish finish but are toxic and require mixing – not Dimensional Magic!
This product adds an epoxy-like finish to jewelry and paper crafts and dries clear. You can layer Dimensional Magic on top of itself (let it dry between layers). This formula comes in Clear and Glitter (if you can find it).
Result: Get the look of resin or epoxy without the toxicity and mixing. Dries clear and dimensional. Learn about Dimensional Magic vs. Resin.
Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium
You can use this formula to create decals or appliques from any original photo. You can also transfer images to fabric or wood. Keep in mind this isn’t clear – so anything you transfer will have a white background.
It takes some practice to use this formula, but once you get the hang of it, there are no limits to what you can transfer! See 30 Mod Podge photo transfer crafts here (most of them use this medium).
Result: A opaque photo transfer with a slick feel to the surface (you can decoupage over the top).
Mod Podge Resin
This epoxy resin product was released in 2021! It’s not a decoupage medium – it’s a casting resin used to accentuate your decoupage projects or make separate projects such as DIY resin coasters and geode coasters.
Result: Thick, glossy, hard finish that you can use on top of your Mod Podge projects.
Super Thick Gloss
You can’t glue with the Super Gloss; the goal here is to get a smooth, epoxy-like finish over a large area. To use, Mod Podge your pieces down with another formula.
Then use the Super Gloss over the top. It’s self-leveling and thicker than regular Mod Podge. So it gives you a very shiny, clear finish that looks like epoxy but isn’t (it’s not as thick as Dimensional Magic for those who are wondering).
Result: A super shiny, clear finish that is a little bit more thick than regular Mod Podge.
Mod Podge Stiffy
I get a lot of laughs about the name of this product, but stiffening fabric is EXACTLY what it does! And I tell you, I love Stiffy. It’s not used for decoupaging or gluing anything down – not a top coat either.
Instead, you simply dip items into Stiffy and it . . . stiffens them. Before you ask why you’d want to do that, check out my doily bowls. I have a lot of projects planned with Stiffy that I can’t wait to try.
Result: Not used for decoupage; instead, used to stiffen (primarily) fabrics into 3D shapes.
Other Mod Podge Products
The Mod Podge brand encompasses more than just decoupage mediums and special formulas! Here are some additional products that you can find at the craft stores.
Acrylic Sealers: If you need a strong sealer to spray on top of your finished project, these come in Gloss, Matte, Pearlized (which has a bit of shimmer), and Super Gloss.
Mod Podge Tools and Brushes: There are several branded tools and brushes that are specifically designed for decoupage projects: a large and small brush applicator, finger caps, professional tool set and more.
That should cover it for the Mod Podge formula guide! I want to let you know, as a final word, that ALL Mod Podge is self-sealing. You don’t have to hit with acrylic sealer.
I sometimes recommend it, but that is only for added durability beyond what you already get with the formulas above.
If something is going to get used frequently and beat up, then you should also spray or brush on seal with something additional.
i just came across your blog and i’m so glad i did, because i love mod podge, too!
will be linking to you in my friday links next week, if you don’t mind.
you’ve inspired me to get sticky again!
Wow- what an informative post!!!!
Great article. I had wondered about these formulas myself. Too many choices can lead to confusion sometimes!
I do have one question. Can you recommend anything food safe? I’ve been told to just decoupage the back of plates or outside of bowls and cups, but I’d love to do the whole object and still have it usable. I’m thinking outdoor formula formula be perfect for being wash proof. I’ll be picking up some on my next trip to the craft store. Thank goodness I have to drive 45 minutes or I’d buy too much
Great information, Amy! Thank you! 🙂
holy cow this is really informative and i need to buy some other types (i.e. fabric and hard coat). thank you!
Very helpful, tahnks! I hadn’t heard of some of these types of Mod Podge before.
Thanks everyone, for the great comments!
Tina – Unfortunately no decoupage or paint is food safe. . . it’s always the recommendation to put something on top. One suggestion I can offer is if you decoupage a plate on the top (for decor purposes), you can put a glass plate over the top of it and put the food on that.
Even the makers of Envirotex (the hard resin) recommend using a cutting board and not setting hot things on it.
Even waterbase things have chemicals I guess!!! Let me know how the Outdoor washes for you –
Hi. Just some questions please. I understand that all modpodge act as sealer, what aould be the use of their other product line which is the clear acrylic sealer? Would it seal acrylic paintings on glass better ?
What product would you recommend that is the best and hardwearing/super permanent or archival for acrylic painting on glass?thank you. I agree with the other commenter, love your product descriptions but it would be better to show finish of products/materials using each modpodge variant
Thank you!
Oh my goodness! WOW! I can’t believe I have missed all of these options! Thank you Amy for this very useful post. When I go to the craft store my eyes seek out the red and yellow bottles I have grown so accustomed to looking for and I totally have missed all these other options.
But – good old fashioned original formula still has lots of fabulous applications! I’ll be sharing a really cool one in October that I discovered accidentally.
Mod Podge totally ROCKS!
Hi Pam – You are so welcome. I can’t wait to see your idea. I will find you again in October. . . 😀
This post is amazing. Thank You, thank you so much. I had no idea!
I am SO GLAD I found this!
I go through about 5-6 cans of Mod Podge a month with my business. Always use matte finish since it’s less tacky, but I’ve always wished for a guide like this one.
Amy,I went shopping for fabric Mod Podge today and couldn’t find it at Michael’s Craft or Craft Warehouse. Found lots of standard Mod Podge as well as the shimmer, glitter and paper. Any suggestions as to where it would be normally found.
Again, thank you for this information – it is a huge help.
Thank you for sharing! I was in Michael’s a few months ago trying to figure out which Mod Podge to buy. Wish I would have had your descriptions then!!! {smile}
Geez, too bad PlaidOnline has nothing even CLOSE to this informative on their own site.
One question — your descriptions of the “Glitter” and “Sparkle” mod podge formulas seem to disagree with their own descriptions. Their site says the “Glitter” type is holographic, your list says the “Sparkle” is the holographic one. Which is just plain ol’ silver glitter, with no multicolored effect?
Oh, and Pam — try Hancock Fabrics or Joann Fabrics. Both chains sell the “fabric” Mod Podge online, so I imagine they’d have it in stores as well.
FAB. Thanks so much for the quick response! Now I know exactly what to order to use on my office cabinets. I just did my entire work surface with Sophisticated Finishes — which, in case you’ve never used it, is FANTASTIC — in silver metallic + two kinds of silver glitter + gloss Mod Podge. Getting glitter evenly distributed on the vertical cabinet surface would be pretty impossible, so Silver Glitter Mod Podge it is. WOO.
Hi Collier – Thank you!
I have used both Sparkle and Silver Glitter – Sparkle looks rainbow-y and Silver Glitter is definitely plain Silver Glitter.
Hancocks actually doesn’t carry Mod Podge in their stores – I asked once at the store and that online store is run by another company (for Hancocks), so much more is available online. I know it’s weird. . . but that’s what I was told!!
I’ve used several different varieties of Mod Podge and love them all! For some reason the Satin version is hard to find at my local craft stores. That’s my favorite. I might have to place an order online to stock up for holiday projects!
I am using Classic Mod Podge for birdhouses will they be ok for outdoor use or will I need to seal with something else? I see Outdoor Mod Podge on your list but Walmart did not have it. Thanks, Angie
Really appreciate these explanations! One question though – Does the Paper Mod Podge make acidic papers (newspaper) archival safe if they are sealed with it? I understand it won’t change the chemicals in the newspaper, but will the seal prevent it from doing long term damage to photos?
I have a question…my kids are making trivets for Christmas presents by coloring on kitchen tiles with Sharpies. Would Mod podge work to seal the marker, or would the heat from the pots and pans melt the finish?
Jukebox – Yes, it will. Any yellowing that has already occurred can’t be reversed as you can imagine, but it will preserve the newspaper. Yay!
Anonymous – Heat from pots and pans will definitely melt the finish. I would check at Home Depot to see if there is something heat resistant you could use!
I am using Classic Mod Podge for birdhouses will they be ok for outdoor use or will I need to seal with something else? I see Outdoor Mod Podge on your list but Walmart did not have it. Thanks, Angie
I would like to use paper modge podge to mount a laser photo copy onto mdf. I am wondering if there will be any problems with yellowing in the future. This is a product I am selling so I need to make sure the quality is good. If you want to see exactly what I’m talking about, I just set up Sorry, the site it is very basic right now as I am just getting things started 🙂
Do you know (or does anyone) where you could view swatches with the various kinds of Mod Podge finishes on them? Your descriptions are so helpful, but it would be great to see the various finishes as well.
Hi Tanya! I’m not sure of anywhere that you can do that, but that is a great idea. I wish something like that existed 🙁
You should also spray a top coat of sealer (Varnish) if you plan to ship anything you make with Mod Podge. If you don’t and your item gets heated in transit, the Mod Podge gets sticky and whatever you wrapped it in, sticks to your projects.
just discovered paper mod podge.
glad it is archival! i’m a happy camper.
Not sure if you’re still answering questions on this or not but…I am covering the shelf part of a book shelf. I already put on several coats of the Original glossy MP….should I put the hard MP formula as a top coat do you think? Or spray/seal it with something? What do you recommend? Thanks…new to the MP world but my Grandma was an expert! She Mod Podged many a thing in her day…many a thing!
Hi MG! You can definitely put the Hard Coat over the top of the Glossy – or you can spray seal it with a spray sealer. It’s your choice. If the project is already done, I would recommend the spray sealer rather than Mod Podging the entire thing again. Hope this helps!
Great info! I recently made birthday invitations using an invitation kit and wanted to add a dash of glitter to the front of the invitation. The paper is white and I am using Turquiose glitter. I want to add the glitter to the Mod Podge but am undecided which would be the best kind for this type of paper or if it’s even possible? I’m not trying to glue anything over it I just want to use a spray bottle and spray from a distance so that the glitter can be evenly distributed. Is this possible? If so, which Mod Podge would you recommend? I started to worry after I read that it can get sticky, help. Thank You -Liz
hi! i’m new to using mod podge and i had a question. i used regular matte mod podge to glue and seal some drawings that i affixed to the surface of a painting, collage style. i love how it looks! but if i had known about the existence of the paper mod podge formula, i would have used that instead. i don’t want my drawings to yellow, and i want archival quality seal. can i apply a few coats of paper mod podge over the layers of regular? will that work?
Dan – thanks for the comment. Yes, you can do that. It should help! The reason things yellow is because of UV. There are also archival sprays you can get that are UV resistant – so it’s up to you! Either one would be great.
Help! I need to know if Mod Podge can be used over acrylic sealer? I used MP to glue paper with copied images (it’s a rasterbation)onto canvas but did not cover the entire paper and now I can see where I dabbed the glue! EeeK! Those areas look like it’s been absorbed into the canvas. Can I make the rest of the paper look like that too? I already coated the entire thing with the sealer but was wondering if I could go over it with the MP and make it look better. Will the ink run? It’s to be displayed at a show to benefit our local Humane Society. Thank you.
Anonymous – you definitely can! In fact, I frequently recommend using sealer over inkjet printouts to keep them from smearing.
If I use matte mod podge over glitter, will the glitter still sparkle?
Hi Amy!
I was wondering if I can use the paper mod podge on gessoed wood, to glue the paper to the gessoed surface of the wood? Right now I’m using regular mod podge but if the paper mod podge is archival, I should be using that.
Pontes Family, I am experimenting with glitter and mod podge right now, and it seems to be working. I’ll let you know for sure when the final layer is dry. Using glitter paper, glitter dimensional stickers, and loose glitter glued onto cardstock.
I want to MP tissue paper (actually old clothing patterns) to a wood dresser. The dresser will be in a children’s playroom, so I need it to be fingerprint (and drool) resistent. Will the Hard Coat still get sticky when wet?
I want to Mod Podge 4×4 tiles with scrapbook paper to make coasters. What type of Mod Podge should I use, how many coats, and how long will it take to cure? I assume I should use a clear acrylic on top as well. I just don’t want sit something hot on them and they become tacky again. These are going to be Christmas gifts.
Are there any formulations of Mod Podge which are flexible when dry? I’m thinking about coating a covered paperback sketchbook (you can see the project on my blog) and want to make sure the cover doesn’t crack when it’s handled.
Holy Cow, a MP for every purpose in the world! Thanks for the lesson.
I absolutely love modge podge, but have not tried the cool ones, like the one for outdoors and fabric…I will purchase some at my next art store outing 🙂
question: What brand of spray sealers do you use? I’ve used some in the past and the smell never went away. Please list all, I’d like them for indoor and outdoor projects. Thanks so much!
Question. I bought the matte mp because hobby lobby didn’t have the fabric. Before they had the fabric mp did they not use the classic for fabric? Just wondering if I need to wait to do my projects with fabric.
Hi Amy thank you this is wonderful. Can I make something like this using modge podge? Would you recommend the fabric modge podge or the outdoor modge podge?
Thanks again!
Maya – You can definitely do those projects with fabric and Mod Podge! I would recommend fabric UNLESS the projects are going outside. I only use Outdoor if the projects are going to be exposed to the elements. Otherwise, Fabric Mod Podge is durable enough. Good luck – can’t wait to see the finished goodies!
Thank you so much for all this info. I’m an artist setting up a children’s art class in my home while getting certified to teach in the schools, but mod podge is new to me. I’m now hooked. I was home sick yesterday and turned my basement into a giant mod podge project, redoing old stools, decorating boxes. I’m hooked.
One question: You mentioned that paper mod podge is archival and will keep things from yellowing. That said, are other mod podge items prone to yellowing? Would it best to ALWAYS use paper mod podge?
I did not know there were so many formulas. Thanks for the explanation. I had to buy mine at Walmart and of course they had only the two classic ones.
The project I plan to do will be an outside one so I will look at Michael’s when I finally get there for the outdoor formula.
the outdoor mp is matt or glossy ?
Hi Maria! Outdoor is glossy.
I MP photos to tiles to make coasters and I am about to spray them with sealer. Will this prevent anything sticking to it such as a hot mug?
Anonymous, yes, spraying with a sealer works for me. You’ll need to spray SEVERAL coats. Thanks!
Amy, so glad I found your blog! Didn’t realize mod podge had so many types to choose from. As a rubber stamper/scrapbooker I make mini books using different kinds of papers. I am SO excited to find the paper mod podge and try it out!! Thanks so much. Love your enthusiasm too! Bless ya~
I have plain matte mod podge. Can I use that to affix satiny type ribbon to a fabric covered bulletin board. The nearest place for me to get mod podge is 45 minutes away…and I don’t want to wait to finish my project!
Mel Frank – thanks for writing! Yes, you can use it, but the Mod Podge might make the ribbon darker where you apply it. It tends to do that to satin-y ribbon. Your best bet for that type of ribbon is a glue gun. 😀
Thanks for the post! I am making a collage: print-out photos, magazine cutouts, fabric ribbons/bows, stickers, and text on a regular piece of paper. I was just wondering how i could keep the regular piece of paper from curling if I applied Mod Podge over my whole project. Also, what should I do if the project is sticky? Which MP would be the best for this project and would the magazine ink smear?
P.S. This is my first time working with Mod Podge.
Hi Jan! The regular piece of paper shouldn’t curl if it’s flat and if you apply enough Mod Podge. I would apply a medium layer of Podge, put the paper down and then keep smoothing it until it’s flat. If the project is tacky when dry, spray seal it with clear acrylic sealer. No the magazine ink won’t smear, and you can use regular Mod Podge classic (Gloss or Matte) for this one. It should be fine!
Amy, thanks for posting this list. The fireplace mantle project (how you found my blog the other day) is going to be my first mod podge project. I’ve always wanted to do it, but never had the right thing to take on. I’ll be watching the video tuts here once we get ready to actually get started for tips.
Thanks so much for breaking this down! It was exactly what I was looking for!
P.S. I love your blog 🙂
never knew there were so many mod podge’s out there. thanks for all the info.
happy Crafting,
I’m new to the whole mod podge thing. I’m curious, I have some of the classic matte and some of the paper. The classic is relatively thin, like acrylic paint, but the paper is very thick, like paste, and it dries and get lumpy and unmanageable pretty quick. Is the paper mod podge supposed to be like that?
Hello, I am mod podging a ton of paper labels to a wooden chair, I’m using the hard formula. When I am finished with all the labels, I plan to put a couple of coats of the hard (sanding between?). Do you recommend an additional sealer as the final finish? If so, what exactly would you recommend? I have enjoyed Min-Wax PolyAcrylic in the past..? Newbie!
Hi L! I do recommend an additional sealer to finish your project for added durability (esp. since it’s a chair). I use a clear acrylic spray sealer, but your Min-Wax will work just as well! Thanks for asking!
I have recently re-discoverd MP, I remember 30 or so years ago, sitting at the kitchen table with my mom using MP to make festive wood boxes. I am wondering what type of MP I should use to re- surface my Nook’s fabric cover. I found some really lovely paper and would like to use it for a new cover. Thanks
Hi Gail! It’s a 44 year old product – isn’t that cool? I love that it’s been around for so long! Anyhoo, I would use fabric Mod Podge because it’s super durable and great with fabric (and adhering paper to fabric). You should spray it with a clear acrylic sealer when you are done re-surfacing it so that it isn’t tacky. Good luck!
I love this guide and intend to keep it bookmarked to share with friends when they ask “What’s the difference between….?” Great post! I LOVE MP and your blog! 🙂
Mod Podge Amy, Thanks! I did add about 3 coats of PolyAcrylic to my chair, it was super shiny, loved it! For a charity fund-raiser, thanks for your advice!
This may be a stupid question but is there a formula that is food safe? I’d love to add monograms to some plates.
Hey Amanda, Unfortunately, there isn’t one that is food safe. BUT – you can add monograms to the backs of glass plates and then you are safe. 😀
Hey! I just tried to do a tile with Mod Podge, and the MP was incredibly thick, and left ridges that ripped the paper I was applying. Can I thin MP down with a little water, or should I try something else? Thanks!
Hi Anonymous! I’m not sure what type it is – if it’s the Outdoor formula, that one is thicker than the regular formula. I would stir the jar well no matter what. It shouldn’t be that thick, so you might also want to consider an exchange. 😀
Hi! I have a little strange question. How “useful” is the Mod Podge Puzzle Saver? I think it should be like the gloss or matte podge. Sorry for my english).
Hi Anonymous! Useful? I’m not sure what that means – but it’s great for sealing puzzles! For regular projects I would just buy good ol’ regular Mod Podge rather than use puzzle saver. 😀
I would love to transform clear plates for a custom dinner set. To the backs, of course. But how durable will the be? Will careful hand washing be required? Will water eventually ruin the adhesion? Is there any chance of making them dishwasher safe?
Hi Anonymous! Unfortunately clear plates with Mod Podge will never been dishwasher safe. The product is waterbase – which makes it non-toxic – but also means that water ruins it (when it’s soaked). Careful handwashing and drying will be fine. I would spray the back with clear acrylic outdoor sealer, and then you’ll have a highly water resistant (but not waterproof) plate.
So, I started this chair yesterday with regular modge podge. It’s almost done, and I know it won’t hold up against the weather, but I seriously can’t redo it at this point. Will it be OK if I just seal the heck out of it with an outdoor acrylic sealer? It’s for an outdoor art display in our town. (fingers crossed!!!)
Amy, I would like to mod podge paper on the outside of a wine glass. Which formula should I use?
Hey Ashley! You can use any formula with paper on glass, but I recommend Original Gloss since glass is shiny. 😀 Just keep in mind that you will have to carefully handwash the wineglass – it cannot be washed in a dishwasher! Thanks!
I love these products too. I have used a product from Plaid called Petal Porcelain. I is used to turn material or silk flowers into porcelain like finishes. I can’t find this product on the Plaid sights, but it is in many instuction books, and craft pages on sites. Can anyone help me please? DeeDee
Hey DeeDee! I know Plaid still makes Petal Porcelain . . . I would call or e-mail their customer service line to double check where it’s available. Here’s the information I pulled from the site: Customer Service: 1-800-842-4197 Mon – Fri. 8am – 5pm EST
Good luck!!
I’m trying to decoupage a large piece of fabric to cover an old Samsonite textured plastic suitcase (16.5″x23″). Im not quite sure if i should use the fabric Modge Podge or the outdoor. Also, should I paint each large piece of fabric, let it cure, and then apply it to the suitcase like you did in your fabric modge podge video?
Hi Drea! I would use the fabric Mod Podge – it will be durable. I would do exactly what I did in the fabric Mod Podge video. It will make it easier for you to cut the fabric to fit your suitcase without fraying, and it also makes it easier to apply without wrinkles. BIG TIP: When you are done, SPRAY your suitcase with several coats of clear acylic sealer to take away the tackiness and add extra durability. Yay!
Thanks so much for your help Amy! Im going to get started on this today!
Hi I have been trying to send you an email with a question, unable to find your email.
The problem I face with using “classic” modpodge is that it shows up all white in the freezer. I used it to repurpose glass jar lids that I was going to keep in the freezer. But unfortunately, a few minutes after I put it in the freezer (of course after coating, complete drying etc.) the modpodge starts to show up white (like immediately after you apply it). I have been asking a few experts for some tips but haven’t had any luck fixing this issue.
Is there a solution to this? Thanks much.
Hey Anuja! Yes, Mod Podge is an acrylic product, so unfortunately it can’t be frozen without turning white. I’m not sure what using a clear acrylic sealer (over the top) would do, but I’m thinking it would still turn out white. 🙁
Hi there, thank you for an informative post. It cleared up why my project of covering a storage trunk with paper was still ‘tacky’. Please can you tell me what will stick pvc to leather or leather to vinyl? My matte modpodge wasn’t strong enough, it peeled off. Donna
Hi Donna! I don’t use any glues that aren’t waterbased, so I’m not sure. Waterbased product doesn’t stick to those two items b/c of conflicting polymers 🙁
I’m working on a project where I will be decoupaging (I hope) to a vinyl/plastic tablecloth. Are any of the MP types “Flexible” so I can roll up or fold the table cloth to store?
Love your site! I’m so glad to be decoupaging after all of these years! 🙂
Hi K9 Instincts! A few things:
1) Mod Podge only works with some plastics. It may not work with your particular vinyl/plastic tablecloth. You should do a test on a small corner.
2) If it does work, you can use regular Mod Podge. They are all flexible.
3) You will DEFINITELY need to spray seal the table cloth with clear acrylic (you can get from a craft store) before storing. Mod Podge can get tacky, and if you roll the tablecloth up, it could stick on itself and get ruined if you don’t spray it.
Good luck – that’s awesome that you have been decoupaging for so long!!
I have a wooden toy that I want to decorate with some fabric. Modge Podge seems like the best option to adhere the fabric to the wood and to seal it on. My concern is that this is a child’s toy and will probably be drooled on, chewed on, licked, etc. You recommend coating with an acrylic spray–is there one you recommend that is nontoxic?
Thank you so much!
Hi Amira! What hurts children in spray sealers is VOCs. The most friendly finish I have found is this one:'s not spray, but you just paint it on right after the Mod Podge (one coat) and you are good. 😀
Hi Amy!
You have no idea how excited your site has made me. I wanna decoupage EVERYTHING!!! Truth is, I’m a decoupage virgin and plan to start a project as soon as I get my Hard Coat Mod Podge in the mail (I live abroad).
I wanna decoupage magazine pages or newspaper on my 2 year old’s table and chair. Opted for the hard coat after reading your descriptions.
Our hand-me-down furniture has a Spiderman theme on it… Should I do something before applying MP to avoid having our superhero show thru?
As for the sealer… the no VOC sealer you suggest above is my best bet, right? Although I’m sure my toddler will refrain from chewing on her new table, she’ll be drawing and doing projects on there 🙂
Any suggestions for a newbie?
Thanks again… Will be following you!!! And will surely have more questions in the future!
HI! i just used the hardcoat…i followed the instructions on the jar with wet sanding and polishing with steel wool…i feel that it dulls the vibrancy of the colors by doing this..but of course makes a wonderful smooth finish…instead i was curious if modge podge can be used in a sprayer of some sort? similar to how paint could be sprayed…or is it too thick? thanks again!
Hi Siaingreece!
So glad you are loving Mod Podge! It is fabulous. 😀
As far as the dresser – yes, you should sand and then paint the whole thing white before Mod Podging it. It’s your best bet to make sure that it looks the best it can. 😀
Yes, that VOC free sealer is perfect for items being handled by children. It is paint on and very easy to use.
As far as newbie suggestions, visit my channel and then watch the videos. I think they will really help with the basics!!!
Hi Anonymous! You can’t really put Mod Podge into a sprayer because it’s too thick. If you don’t want to dull the color, I would put one layer of Mod Podge and build up coats of spray sealer – see if that works.
Love your ideas! My special education students are helping me re-cover some file cabinets at school with fabric, and since it was applied a little thick in some places, the Mod Podge can really be seen through the fabric after it dried (darker splotches). Is there any way to fix this before we put a sealer over it? Or would a sealer help camoflauge the areas where it seeped through? My students and I appreciate your help!
Hi Anonymous! A sealer might help a little, but I think for the most part it’s going to look like that. I wouldn’t worry about it much though. My pieces are all imperfect. I think it adds character! 😀
Hi… TQ so much for the details on choosing the right mod podge. I have a steel finish watch, in rosegold tone, but some of the paint faded, I was thinking maybe i can use Sparkle & Glitter Mod Podge to give it a new look? Any tip or advice? Thanks!
Hi Sukiwoon! I’m not sure that Mod Podge is the right thing for your watch. I would need to see the watch and know what you are planning to do to give advice. It’s a possibility, but I don’t want to say for sure – if you want to send me a cell phone pic, I would be more than happy to give you further advice!
I am wondering if spray sealants create a glossy finish? I don’t want to use a sealant if something I intend to make matte will turn glossy…
Hi Vikki! Spray sealants come in Gloss, Matte and Satin finishes just like Mod Podge – yay! So just double check when you purchase that you have the right finish 😀
I wanted to place thin fabric over a table. All I have is the classic Mod Podge. Will that work okay? My craft store said they don’t carry the “fabric” one, it seems to be the only one they don’t carry for some reason.
Hi Inzom Mama! You can use regular, but I would use several layers and then a clear acrylic spray. Fabric Mod Podge is more durable than regular Mod Podge – but you should still be okay. Good luck! 😀
OK, Amy, I really need your advice on this one…Remember the VW Bug you posted that looked like it was Mod Podge’d (or upholstered)? Well…I have a 1991 Honda Accord that has an ugly hood (paint faded & peeling), sooooooo…I was thinking it might be a good candidate for a MP MAKEOVER!
I thought I would measure the size of the hood & cut out a piece of muslin or use an old bed sheet as the base. Then I could use Fabric Mod Podge to put on my “design elements. When my “canvas” is completed, then I could use the Fabric MP to “attach” it to the hood of the car? And should I seal it with the Hard Coat MP or the Outdoor MP. (And then I would follow it up with sealer.)
Is this doable? Will there be issues that I need to address regarding the heat of the engine under the hood?
But I would like your opinion on the formulas to use…
Thank you for the insight…I’m so happy to find a run down to get my started!
I came up with the idea to MP my plywood Nativity scene. I plan to use a mixture of fabric, scrapbook papers, and paint. Thus far I have only found the outdoor formula in the 8 oz. size. Would regular MP with a good coat of sealer be adequate?
THANK YOU! I am doing a photograph and a coffee table project, now I know what I need.
Thank you
Hi Cindy! I would definitely use either the Gloss or Matte – not Outdoor. It’s way too thick for your nativity scene. And yes to the sealer! 😀
Thank you for being an expert. I need help with a project I’m doing with kids. . .Honey dishes made from air dry clay, painted with good quality tempra. I want them to be able to use them with honey and wash them. What do you recommend I seal them with?
Hi Hordiner! You will not be able to use Mod Podge with this project. It isn’t waterproof – I would suggest checking into a medium that potters use to seal their items. Good luck!
So I am planning on gluing paper cut outs to painted wood background or cut out letters (in my son’s name). Would I want to use Satin, Matte or paper?
Hi Anonymous – I would use either Satin or Matte. Satin is a soft finish, between Gloss and Matte. Matte is a flat finish. Paper isn’t necessary, as it’s mostly used for scrapbooking (archival safe).
Quick question… Can matte be applied over glossy to reduce the shine? Thanks!
Hi Tina! Yes, you can do that, or you can apply a Matte clear acrylic sealer over a Gloss Mod Podge.
Do you have a favorite clear acrylic sealer you use with your mod podge projects? I am working on a project using Mod Podge Gloss and want it to have a hard (not tacky) coat. I have sprayed it with a clear sealer but after a week it still seems to be tacky and sticks together when stacked. Any ideas what I night have done wrong?
Hi Anonymous! I use either Mod Podge brand spray or Krylon. You have to give it several medium coats for it to work. Is that what you did? If it’s not working, I would try a clear Enamel sealer (Krylon has a great one).
Thanks for your response Amy! I did give my project several meduim coats of acrylic spray and the surface is still tacky. I was not aware that Mod Podge made a spray sealer. I am going to try and find the Enamel sealer you are refering to and see if that works. Thank you again.
Hello! Love that you posted all this great info about MP…I’m pretty new to it and had a couple of questions…
1st, how do you recommend applying the MP without leaving brush strokes? I tried sealing some pictures to a craft box and I don’t like the strokes it left on the pics.
2nd, the color on the pics ran a little after applying the MP, any particular reason why that would happen? Thanks!
Hi Ashley!
1. To remove brush strokes, sand with #0000 steel wool between coats with a *touch* of water (wet sanding). Then, after the last layer, sand and then spray seal with clear acrylic sealer.
2. Were the pics printed with an inkjet printer? These will smear because of the type of ink. You can seal the pictures with clear acrylic sealer on both sides and you should be okay. Laserjet doesn’t smear (for future reference).
Hi Amy, your blog and description of the different kinds of Mod Podge will no doubt be helpful in my first “newbie” projects! I am stoked to get Mod Podge’n ASAP. Thanks for the tips! Question-I’d like to MP fabric AND/or paper to a canvas. First, should I use fabric MP on the fabric, then adhere it using regular MP and on the top to seal? Second, is it necessary to MP the whole surface of the art project, such as a canvas? To seal it all and give overall look? Thanks in advance for your response! BTW, no, YOU rock!
Hi Brandi! For your purposes, you don’t need to use Fabric Mod Podge if you don’t already have it on hand. You can just use regular. The reason I use Fabric Mod Podge on fabric is because I’m typically doing a furniture piece and I need it to be *really* durable, which Fabric Mod Podge is. You don’t have to seal the entire surface of your canvas, but you will probably be able to tell where the Mod Podge is if you don’t (you will be able to see it), so I would just go ahead and do it. Good luck!
Hi Amy! Do you know if any of the other versions of Mod Podge can be substituted for the Puzzle Saver version? One of my relatives glues a lot of puzzles and the 2 oz bottles don’t go very far.
Thanks for all the great info and advice!
Hello! You can use regular Mod Podge (either Gloss or Matte) in place of Puzzle Saver, you’ll just have to spray seal the puzzle with clear acrylic sealer afterwards if there’s any tackiness.
Hi! I’m in the process of making photo coasters on 4×4 tiles, I got the Gloss Mod Podge to use, and for a sealer I bought the Mod Podge Gloss Acrylic Sealer. Will this work or should I exchange it for a different brand? Just wasn’t sure if it would hold up to the hot mugs/sweating glasses. Thanks 🙂
We just used Mod Podge Matte Spray sealer on some salt dough ornaments… and we’re really concerned that the xylene makes them harmful to handle with your hands.
Is this stuff any different from the “acrylic spray sealer” you mention so much, or have you ever used the Mod Podge spray?
Hi Natasha! You should go with an outdoor Enamel sealer for coasters. There are a few indoor/outdoor sealers you can buy – any of the clear ones will work!
Hi there iTM – I’m not sure about the Mod Podge spray sealer ingredients. You can definitely ask Plaid (who makes Mod Podge) questions here: can recommend a child-safe paint-on varnish here:
Yes I am wanting to put a photo on canvas…which mod podge would I use? I am guessing the paper mod podge? Is that correct? Thanks
Hi Anonymous! If you are using printed photos (on printer paper), yes, Paper Mod Podge would work well. Good luck!
we just finished a puzzle that has a glow in the dark image when the lights are out….will podge ruin this aspect of the puzzle?? should we just podge the backside to ensure that the glow will happen
Hi Anonymous! Yes, I would just Podge the back. It would seriously dull the glow. Good luck!
I am curious what does the dimensional magic mod podge do differently from the others?
Hi Anonymous! Dimensional Magic works like an epoxy more than like a glue. It makes a hardened, clear, dimensional dome on top of a surface. It’s raised off of the surface. It’s easiest to see in real life and hard to spot in pictures, but this shows it as well as a picture can:
Great for jewelry – you will love it!!!
I love this blog!
I’m learning so much!
But I do have a question though..
Do you have any idea where Mod Podge can be purchased in Europa, or more specific: in The Netherlands?
would love to know that..
I’ll keep reading your blog, you’re so crafty!
Hi Jolan – thank you so much!! I’m so happy you visited. Here’s the international store locator for Plaid products:
I hope this helps!! Thanks again 😀
Hi Amy! I just mod-podged a picture to a piece of wood using the gloss version. Unfortunately, the mod podge looks very streaky. Any advice to get a clear, more polished look? Could it be the type of brush I used?
Thanks so much – this blog is fabulous!
Wow..this was very helpful…thanks for posting!!!!!!
Hi KM!
Thanks for loving MPR! I use a very soft bristled brush, first of all. If you would like the smoothest finish between coats, use a *slightly* damp piece of #0000 steel wool. Make sure it’s dry before you do it. Then after the last coat, use the steel wool and then spray with a clear acrylic sealer. Finished!!
Hi Amy! Absolutely love your site 🙂 Found it this morning and have been on it all day! One question for you though, I have been making cell phone covers, like gluing on rhinestones, etc to plastic phone covers bought at stores. Is it okay to put Mod Podge over the finished product? Would love to know, because i bought some Mod Podge yesterday. Hopefully so? :-/
Hi Anonymous! Mod Podge doesn’t adhere the well to plastic . . . plus, if you are using glue and it’s just rhinestones, I would just seal it all with clear acrylic sealer. Mod Podge isn’t going to protect it and make it more durable unless it’s paper or fabric. Items that are raised off of the surface are at risk of being knocked off, even with MP on there. If you want to cover a phone case with fabric or paper, that would be when you would use Mod Podge. But you’ll have to test it on the plastic first. MP works with some plastics and not others.
What about Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. Have you used this?
Hi Nicole! I absolutely love Dimensional Magic. I’m going to update the formula guide to include it as well as some of the new products that are coming out this spring. Until then, here are my thoughts:, here are some projects: you!
Hi! I am trying to mod podge a printed paper on to a tile to make coasters. Everything looks great except when I spray the MP acrylic sealer, the paper on the tile has a bit of discoloration. Do you know why it does that? Also, after I spray the sealer and let it dry for two days, I stack all my tiles together but then when I try to take them apart, they are all stuck together because the sealer is sticky and then it rips the paper off the tile. So now I am back to square one. Shouldn’t the sealer have prevented that from happening? Any ideas how I would be able to stack all the coasters together after using the MP and acrylic sealer?
Hi there Anonymous! I’ve never had spray sealer discolor anything, so I’m thinking it’s the ink on the tile. I would spray sealer the paper on both sides before Mod Podging.
In some climates, sealer isn’t enough to get rid of the tackiness. I’d use brush on sealer, such as Minwax Polycrylic. Good luck!
So I would like to use Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer on my project. Is it safe for children or adults to handle the surface on a daily basis?… once it is dry?? On one web site it says certified AP non-toxic but on the can is says this product contains a chemical known to the state of california to cause cancer, birth defects etc… which makes me want to return it….help!
This is a great post, I’m new to Mod Podging and it’s answered more questions than I’d ever have thought to ask!
Is it cool with you to share your post in my blog? TY 🙂
Hi Ephemeral gecko! You are welcome to share a link to the post on your blog, but I don’t allow reprints of my posts. Thank you!
Anonymous – Yes, it is safe. As far as I know, the vapor is what’s toxic, and if you spray outside and let the vapor evaporate, you should be good (you are welcome to use a mask). If you are pregnant, however, you should not be spraying at all – and I wouldn’t let a child spray either. Good luck!
Thanks so much for this post! I am just getting into DIY projects and I was a little overwhelmed by the mod podge choices at Michaels.
So I have a few questions. I have a formica table that I want to cover with pictures cut from a magazine.
1. Will the MP stick to the paper to the formica?
2. If yes, is it better to use the paper or furniture MP? (so many choices!)
Wow! I’m so glad I found this post. I have learned a bunch about MP. I’m trying to transfer images to shale with gloss MP. The image ends up on top of the mod podge. The shale is so dark the image is barely visible though. There is no MP that dries white, right?
Hi Anonymous! You are correct – all Mod Podge dries clear. Some have glitter, etc. but the base is clear.
Thanks Amy. Now I’m wondering what I can mix with gloss mod podge to get anything but a clear base when it dries. Of course, I don’t want to affect the mod podge action in any way, and I don’t want a bumpy surface as a result. Any ideas? I’m willing to experiment.
You can add acrylic paint, but you would have to add quite a lot. But it’s possible. I would just play with it! 😀
love love love your site and i’m so inspired to create my own MP projects! wondering if you’ve come across a process to be able to MP fabric to glass (such as a vase) without the fabric becoming “splotchy” and darkened in spots? i have so many beautiful fabrics that i’m finding i can’t use, i’ve only been able to get scrapbooking paper to achieve the look i want. any suggestions would be appreciated!
Hi Elizabeth! The best way to reduce/remove splotches is to pre-wash the fabric and to apply as even of a layer as possible. But even then, sometimes it can be slightly splotchy. I’m not sure why it does that! 🙁
The Nate Show recently had a segment on about making t-shirt serving bowls for snacks etc.(1-any size bowl wrapped in seran wrap placed upside down.2-cut a circular shape out of a t-shirt and lay over bowl.3-apply a good amount of MP over surface of the shirt.4-let dry for 24hrs,then remove it from bowl)Question-what type of MP should I use?Do I need to spray an acrylic to it afterwards?Will it hold up after washing it with soapy water to clean it?Thanks Amy!!
Hi Anonymous! I did not see the show, but Mod Podge is not food safe. It is a non-toxic product, but it requires FDA approvals to say that food can touch something, and hardly any art supplies qualify for that – so please do not touch food directly to these bowls. Having said that, you can use them decoratively! You can use any Mod Podge – I would use Gloss, Matte or Satin depending on the finish that you want. Yes, I would use a sealer. And no, Mod Podge is acrylic (which makes it non-toxic and safe to use) so it cannot be washed.
Love my Mod Podge! But, I have a question. Is there a Mod Podge best suited for using on leather? I’m transferring laser copy images to items and would like to do this on leather. It seems to stick alright for the transfer, but will it last on leather that bends?
Hi there! You can try to do thin layers of any of the formulas. I know someone who did a leather bracelet and it has lasted a long time!
Thank you, Amy. If it’s a success, I’ll share the results with you. 🙂
I tried the Mod Podge to transfer images onto leather! Worked fantastically! It truly is super flexible. A link to what I made can be found here. I also used it to make the 2x3ft banners here. LOVE this stuff!
Hi, this mod podge sounds cool! I have wrapped a skateboard with my design/print. I was looking for a clear coating to put on top to protect it and came across this. I am only using the boards for display and not actual use. Do you suggest this this product as a sealer or should i use Minwax Polycrylic? Also, I tried using U-V clear acrylic coating spray but it doesnt give that thick finish layer.
Hi Anonymous! If you are looking for a thicker finish, I would use EnviroText Lite. If you just need a glaze, I would use an enamel spray. Good luck!
Hi Amy, Can mod podge be use on plastic surfaces?
thanks leila
Hi Leila! It just depends. Some yes (I’ve had some personal success), others no. Acrylic products (MP is acrylic) don’t work great with plastics. You’ll need to do a test. If it doesn’t work you’ll know, and you’ll be able to peel the Mod Podge right off with no harm done. I’d choose an area that isn’t visible or the least visible area for your test. Thanks!
I use a combo of gloss and outdoor modge podge for decorating shoes, it lasts well and is perfectly flexible
Until I stumbled upon this post, I never knew I needed it. Now I do! I had no idea there were so many types of this stuff! (I live in a very small town…) The confusion I now see was coming, has been scared off! Thank you!!!
Anything to say about paints…?
Hi Lisa! Do you mean how to use paints? Funny you should ask because I have this post!
I’ve been coloring sharpie on ping pong balls. LOL I tried nail polish but that chipped off the sharpie! So I guess I’m going to try one of these. if it works? I’m hoping so! I just don’t want the sharpie to rub off which is why I’m trying to seal it….
Hi there! I would just use a spray acrylic sealer (Mod Podge makes one) to seal ping pong balls. Mod Podge formulas don’t work that well with plastic!
Hi. I had trouble with the mod podge being sticky after application. I sprayed it with polyurethane, and it was still sticky. Maybe it’s the humidity in Wisconsin. I made a box using paper mache. I ended up spraying the whole thing with poly and then sanding just the inside rim of the cover and it doesn’t stick anymore. So now I really like my box. Too bad I’m giving it to my Dad. 🙂
Hi Nancy! If your location is too humid, you can always use a brush on sealer. Those seem to work best when the spray sealers don’t.
I’m wanting to mod podge the cover of a book with either paper or fabric. Is there a formula that is flexible so that the book will still open and close after mod podging?
Thanks for this resource. I’m bookmarking it. Soooooooo helpful! Here’s to happy Mod Podging 🙂
Hi Eric! I would use the original Gloss or Matte – I recently had a guest post where someone did it:
Don’t put too many layers on and you’ll be good to go 😀
Hey Hun, thanks so much for the informative article I’ve been doing some research for a doll house for my daughter, and I found one I’m curious about but didn’t see any facts here (or anywhere else.) I’m wondering if you’ve had a chance to use the Mod Podge Dimensional Magic?
I’m wondering if I can change its color easy or not. 🙂
Hi Letia! I have used it for sure – visit here: terms of changing color, you probably can, but I’d do a test. I’ve never done that. Stir carefully, as you are not supposed to shake it (because of bubbles). Good luck!
great post. im a mod podge virgin about to take the plunge. I have a backlog of projects in my brain and have kind of been a bit scared just because I havent been exactly sure how to use what for what. This post clears it all up. thanks.
Amy, thanks for all the info. I hope you can help me as I am in the middle of a major project and I’m really in trouble. I tried mod podge but I found that it remained tacky forever. I read through your articles and decided to go with the hard coat mod podge turned out to be less tacky but still not dry. I then covered it with Minwax water based Polycryliic (acrylic sealer). This has made it less tacky but still not right. I am working with wood blocks and they need to be handled. At this point if I leave them sitting atop one another overnight they slightly stick together (without the minwax acrylic sealer it was awful, just the hard coat, the blocks were hard to pull apart). I live in NJ and it can be very humid here, but there has been relatively low humidity the last couple of weeks. I really need to solve this problem and hope you can offer some experience/wisdom. thank you in advance. Jean
Hi Jean! How long did you let the Mod Podge dry before applying the polycrylic? Also, Mod Podge can take 4 – 6 weeks to completely cure in humid environments. So sometimes you have to leave projects for awhile before applying the sealer.
Great blog! I’m wondering about the Glow in the Dark Mod Podge. I would like to use it on an outdoor project. If I use several coats of the Glow in the dark and then spray it with a outdoor sealer, will the glow in the dark still work the same?
Thanks so much
Hi Anonymous! I’m not 100% sure but I BELIEVE so. It might take a little longer for it to charge, but it should be okay.
I recently found your blog and now I’m addicted to Mod Podge projects; have never done anything like it before. I read the list of all the different kinds of Mod Podge, but I can’t find them anywhere. I’ve looked at Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and Kmart, but they just have the classic kinds. Where can I get all the other newer kinds? Thanks a lot, and continue inspiring me to Rock the Podge!
Hi Lee Ann! Michaels now has a big section of Mod Podge with all the new kinds. Check it out!
Thank you. I have yet to try Michaels. I was just thinking of going there this weekend. The closest one is an hour away.
Helpul…I am having some difficulty..My coasters did not handle a hot cup of coffee, leaving a slight ring. I printed a zombie print I made on card stock, used good amount of the MP to stick it to the ceramic, brushed 3 coats (waiting in between for each to dry), and then sprayed polyurethane protectant and let dry a few days to be safe. It looked great, smooth, glossy..but I got the ring after the cup, and also I heard the paper crackle a little as if the MP underneath was not taking the heat. Any ideas? Perhaps a different substance adhesive and maybe a different finish? Maybe new materials entirely?
Hi Jeremy! You did everything right, but even with that, acrylic products aren’t going to be able to handle extreme temps. Really warm – yes. But hot like a coffee mug or hot pan? No. For something like that, I would go with EnviroTex Lite. It’s not acrylic (you’ll have to mix wearing gloves), but you’ll get the clear, thick finish that you want. I would check on what temps it’s resistant to as well. Probably the hot mug would be okay (I’m thinking the mug but not as hot as a stovepan). Good luck!
Thanks, Amy. I asked some burly maintenance guy I worked with and he said the same thing. So off to True Value I go.
I have been making glitter sneakers for my family in Texas using mod podge gloss and umm glitter lol. Anyway I live in Washington where it is considerably wetter, I was wondering if the fabric formula is washable or has any protection against moisture, or if the outdoor formula might be a better option?
Hi Anonymous! You can use either one! I would go with the Fabric formula though. It’s not as thick.
umm, i just got hard coat, and it say is has to “cure” for four weeks! what does that mean? do i have to do that?
Hi there! You are fine to use the item before then, but that is how long it takes before it’s fully dry, all the way through. A lot of glues are like that. They just don’t say it on the package. Even *really* dry to the touch isn’t necessarily fully cured. But, you are fine to use it before 4 weeks.
Hi Amy…thanks for all of this, you are awesome! I am new to MP and am using mixed materials for my art: paper, metals, nature items, etc. The pieces are keepsakes and I have been using the Gloss MP. If I don’t use the ‘Paper’ MP, will my pieces yellow? Also, I am using a non-yellowing sealeant. The other question is that the Krylon has a terribel odor that does not seem to go away! Any suggestions? Please help! Thank you so much!
Over 40 years ago, I used Mod Podge ‘original’. I made a copy (not inkjet) of a photo, applied about 4 coats to the face of it and let it dry between coats. Then, put it into a basin of water for a few minutes, laid it flat and rubbed the back of the paper, rubbing the paper off leaving the picture encased in the mod podge. After that dried, I painted a piece of wood and pushed the picture down onto the wood (prev. paper side down) and pushed out all air bubbles. After it adhered, I applied more coatings of mod podge until it looked as if it was painted on the wood. I lightly took off the ‘shine’ with very fine steel wool, then, sprayed a sealer on it. After reading this blog, I am going to do the same thing again only using a stretched canvass and lap the picture sides down onto the sides of the canvass. Will post the outcome later.
Ok here goes. I am not crafty at all but I am trying my hand at something and need advice. I went to the beach several weeks ago and brought back a fantastic collection of shells. I have canvas I have the shells placed exactly where I want them on the canvas and I have gloss mod podge. Where do I go from here? Or is it even possible?
You forgot the Puzzle Saver Mod Podge! 🙂
I was thinking of doing a wall in the game room with pictures of football players, what would you recommend?
Yeh I’m confused about the same thing … Why do you need to put a sealer over mod podge sealer???
Do things eventually lose the tackiness if they aren’t sprayed after mod podge application??
You don’t HAVE to apply a clear acrylic sealer to Mod Podge- it is already a sealer. The only times I do is when the Mod Podge remains slighly tacky (which it does in some climates, typically the Gloss formula) or when I need added durability because the piece will be used a lot.
Hi Amy, This is amazing! I was wondering about MPing a piece pf painted wood and a transparency sheet. The sheet has lettering on it and I want to use the plywood on my bulletin board so I was thinking this would be the best way to get the fancy lettering on the board and seal it at the same time. Thoughts?
Does anyone know how hot mod podge can get before a project starts to “melt” apart? I’m thinking of mod podging a collage on a care package to my husband in Afghanistan but I dont want it to be a mess when he gets it lol
I want to mp tissue paper to bonded leather (vinyl) sofa that has started peeling. I’m thinking the satin mp sounds the best.I thought I’d practice on a vinyl purse first.Any suggestions?
I would appreciate if you let me know what mod podge to I have to use for an image transfered in a leather bracelet?
Hey there, I have recently discovered
Mod podge while trying to find something to preserve Already shed snake skin. I’m interested in trying to use it on bags and other hand made accessories. I’m curious to know how you think this might work and if it would be worth trying out Mod podge for this project?
I was trying to pick a mod podge to apply glitter to some shoes. I saw one called high gloss, or super gloss, and I was wondering how if really at all it’s different from the other gloss formula.
Thanks! I’ve just discovered this blog and it’s great!
Is it okay to use different versions of MP (paper MP,satin MP, original matte MP, etc) on one project? Will my project yellow if I don’t use the paper MP?
Hi Amy! A little while ago I asked for your advice on what formula to use on my book project. You recommended the Matte. I’m smitten with how the project turned out and wanted to share it with you:Thanks for the advice. You really do rock… with Mod Podge 🙂
Great Article! I am so glad that I ran across this article before I watered down my kids school glue…..was planning on doing that tonight for a photo project. Headed to get the real thing. Thanks for the informative blog!
I’m trying to mod podge silk to a pair of shoes…it keeps turning the fabric darker. Is there a way to do it without turning the color of the fabric?
For those doing coasters— if you let it cure for 4-6 weeks, then do the acrylic spray and let that dry, you can set a hot cup of coffee on it without issue. The MP WILL leave marks and melt without that time to cure if something warm is set on it.
I have a question about nature and mod podge. Can I spray my mod podge on my frame with dead bark trees?
Suddenly I have the overwhelming urge to go shop and find them ALL!!!!
Are any of these formulations considered to be waterproof? I’m so psyched to try them out!
Sandra, the Outdoor and Fabric are pretty close. They are officially “highly water resistant.” 😀
Thank you for such an awesome article! Are any of these formulations considered to be waterproof? I’m so psyched to try them out!
oops! sorry the duplication! The post was laggy. Thanks for the quick response!!
I want them all now!
I need some help. I am decoupaging trivets for gifts. Is there anything I can coat them with that is heat resistant?
I bought a sealer but they say it is not heat resistant. Do I need to put a sealer on it? Can they be used as hot plates with just the mod podge coating? Thanks for all the help…
Hi Debbie! You’ll need a heat resistant sealer in addition to Mod Podge for extreme temps. Mod Podge by itself can melt with extremely hot cookware. You could also try something like EnviroTex Lite.
I am new to Mod Podge. I want to put a paper napkin design on to cloth chandelier lamp shades. Will this work?
If so, which type to use and the best directions. Thanks for your help.
Hi Cheryl! It can be done, but napkins are thin and so if you are a first time Mod Podger you would have a hard time (you would get wrinkles). I recommend starting with paper to wood like here: Your best bet is going to be fabric to cloth, honestly. Use Fabric Mod Podge for that.
Ok, this article ROCKS! I’ve never mod podged before but want to try it and this will be so helpful! Thanks for taking the time to document your knowledge!
Hi. I just bought some Pebeo mortar mixes to give a craft project a textured look. Now i find that I need to use Pebeo Bindex Binder to mix with the mortar and I don’t have it. Can i mix modge-podge instead? The instructions say that the binder is meant to help with the adhesive quality of the mortar and I figure Modge-Podge could do that too. What do you think?
Hi Paprad! Unfortunately I have no idea if this would work. You’d have to run a test – I personally stick with the stuff I’m told to use 😀
I am new to mod podge. I am trying to put fabric on the back of plates. I applied the mod podge to the plates and then applied the fabric. I let this dry. I find I have streaks of the mod podge on the glass. How do I get rid of them before I apply any more coats. How many coats of mod podge do I apply to the fabric? Do I need to sand between layers?
Can I mod podge a vinyl tablecloth onto wood?
Hi Sarrah – unless the backside is something other than vinyl (sometimes the backside is fabric) then no. Vinyl doesn’t MP well.
The backside is like a cotton material. So that will work?
Hi, I just came across your blog and since I’m brand new to MP I thought maybe you could help. I’ve modpodge’d some paper cutouts onto frosted Christmas ornaments and now the ornament has lost some of the frost where the modpodge was. Any tips on how to fix this? Thanks!
Hi Rachael – I can’t really picture it – can you send me an image?
Sure, as soon as my camera recharges (thanks kids!). Should be able to send a pic later today. Thanks for your quick reply!
I am new to mod podge and I am trying to make this set . I read on a different blog that I can use mod podge to finish it. Which one would be best and would it be safe if a child mouths it? Thank you!
You can use Mod Podge and either the Gloss or Matte would be fine – Mod Podge is non-toxic and technically a child can put it in their mouth and be fine, but it’s not recommended b/c MP isn’t food safe. Thanks!
Hi Amy! I just finished a set of blocks for my two year old using modge podge. I grabbed the midge podge glossy sealant at Walmart today. Do you know if it is ok for kids? Non toxic?
Hi Jen – it is non-toxic and will be safe for them to handle, but they should not put the blocks in there mouth because it’s not food safe. Thanks!
Thank you for this post! It’s such great and needed info. Question, if I modge podge a vase and want it to be waterproof when dumping/filling it (so durability is key also), what brand/type of sealant do you suggest? I’ve read the suggestions above but when I google “Clear Acrylic Sealant” modge podge comes up! Its very confusing. I have a can of Enviortex and Rustoleum Clear, would either of those work? I’d test it out but don’t want to waste the vase. Thank you so much
You can use the Rustoleum clear as a top coat, but you won’t be able to submerge the vase or put it in the dishwasher. But it’s enough protection to fill and dump it 😀
Wonderful, thank you so much Amy!!
I want to put stickers on a plastic water bottle. I would like to put something on top of the stickers so when the water bottle gets wet they won’t tear. Would you recommend I use Mod Podge, if so what kind? If not what should I use? Thanks for your help!
Hi Layla – I don’t recommend Mod Podge for this. I put stickers on a water bottle a long time ago and they have lasted – I printed them on a vinyl sticker material. That is what I would do (there are some online services that let you do this).
Thank you for your quick reply! I already collected my stickers. I was looking for something to protect them on the plastic water bottle.
Hey Amy! I was at the Mod Podge anniversary and — though I’ve hit the site numerous times (and am now a veritable apostle for Mod Podge) — I never saw the link about it until now and the link doesn’t work. Any chance it can be fixed??
When I was at the party, I missed the session on the Dimensional products. I may be freelancing but I have done some neat things with shrink plastic. My family used to roll their eyes at “more Sizzix!” but now they are amused by the (seemingly) endless white bottles all over! And the pink silicone products are awesome. We did a “girls craft day” and everyone was amazed — and after a few burned fingers, they all wanted them, too.
Great stuff!!!
why do i have brush streaks — i did a plate- a glass and an attempt to do a coffe cup/ wld not work what do i need to do- also why is there sponge brush streaks on the picture i have tried it 3 times still streaks i need to know very quickly what to do- i have orders waiting did not want to sell with streaks the picture is centered on tne plate /// streaks please help- love mod podge-
Hi Gloria – I address brush strokes here:
“How can I minimize/eliminate brush strokes?
Use a soft bristled brush and then sand between coats. To do this, apply the Mod Podge and let it dry an hour. Then use #0000 steel wood and lightly sand the entire surface. Do this between every coat. After the final coat, sand and then spray a clear acrylic sealer to finish.”
I am trying to transfer a picture onto blank puzzle pieces using mod podge. I am having a very hard time doing so. Is one of the types of Mod Podge better for transferring an inkjet photo to a cardboard type substance?
Hi Erin – there is actually a Mod Podge photo transfer medium – you can get it here: The only thing is that a lot of puzzle pieces have a coating, and I’m wondering if that is the problem you’re having. Any type of smooth surface (b/c of a coating) needs to be sanded before you transfer an image, but I don’t know what kind of pieces you are dealing with so I don’t know if sanding will mess up the pieces :/
Hi! I have never used Mod Podge before and I want to decoupage a leather braclet. Wich Mod Podge should I use and should I use a sealer? I live in Sweden and When I asked around in stores I got the answer “you can’t decoupage on leather”. So I’m so happy I found this page. Thank you
Hi Camilla – it really depends on the leather. You can use any Mod Podge you like (Gloss or Matte are fine), and I would use a spray sealer or brush on sealer. But I would test first!
Oh wow! I had no idea their was so many Mod Poges. I am excited because I do love the product. I have never seen anything except the classic at Hobby Lobby or JoAnns. those are the only craft stores we have in our little Hick town, and I have to drive close to an hour to them : ) Still I want to thank you for taking the time to explain all this. So much I didnt know.
Great post!!! Hoping you can clear up something for me….I sell wood blocks modgepodged with paper/vinyl, and coated with matte MP, then Triple Thick to smooth, and a final ckear acrylic sealant spray. Main issue is the stick together!!!! Any advice? 🙁
I would love to link to this post on my blog with your permission! 🙂
Hi Megan! I would brush them with several coats of Minwax Polycrylic. That should help. Yes, you can link to the post on my blog – all I ask is that you don’t reproduce the text on your blog. Thank you!
Hi Amy, I am making a “mug rug” for a swap. I will be drawing and stamping (permanent inks) on white muslin but would like to seal it so that it won’t get coffee/tea stained. Which, if any, Modpodge products are flexible and could just be wiped off with a wet cloth in case of drips. I don’t forsee the thing would ever go in the laundry. Thanks and love your product explanations!
Hi I don’t know if your still answering questions on here but… I want to restore an old leather trunk and I want to add fabric to cover the leather. Which mod podge do you recommend?
Hi Lisa! I would say Hard Coat, since it’s technically furniture 😀
Thank you so much for responding so quickly. Do you think I would need to use a primer or base coat?
hi i was just curious to know if there is and what mod podge id use to stick paper pictures to fabrics (for like decorating shoes etc) or if i should use a different product all together?
Hi Curiousgal! You can use Fabric Mod Podge, but you won’t be able to wash it like you would if you stuck fabric to fabric. If you want it washable, use the photo transfer medium!
Hi! I want to decorate a flat leather (no padding) scrapbook album cover. I have never worked with Modge Podge before. I was thinking of using lettering and/or stickers and sealing with Modge Podge, or using it as a glue with stencils to adhere fine glitter…not sure. Any ideas that would be safe for and adhere to the leather? Thanks so much 🙂
Michele, the Mod Podge would work to attach the fine glitter . . . I think it would work to attach paper and/or fabric to as well. BUT if it’s a dark leather, you won’t want to attach fabric unless that is also dark, b/c the background would show through.
Thank you Amy!!
Hi, Amy, very informative post. I’m hoping you can help me with a question. I was considering Mod Podge as a sealant for glitter spray paint on fabric. I’ll be using Krylon glitter paints on tshirts but it seems some spray sealers wash off. Do you know if Mod Podge would work as a sealant, or do you know of a sealer, spray or brush-on, I can use for such a project? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated =0)
Hi Trish! You are going to have a hard time finding something that doesn’t dull the glitter significantly and stays on the fabric. You could try Fabric Mod Podge – but I would do a test! If that doesn’t work, I’d get glitter fabric iron ons.
Hi amy! I just mod-podged a fantastic looking pair of canvas wedge-heel shoes for summer. I used the fabric mod-podge and gave it an extra coat after I finished. Just a few questions. What kind of acrylic sealer should I use on top & how long do I need to wait before sealing it? Also, how long do I need to wait before wearing the shoes?
Hi Stacey! I would use a brush on like Minwax polycrylic so the shoes are resistant to the elements. You can do it right away (well, when it’s dry). And you can wear the shoes after the sealer dries for 24 hours. Have fun!
Amy, thank you so much! I never would have thought about using the minwax. They’re still waiting to be sealed so I will go out and get some.
Hi Stacy. I just purchased a tub of paper mod podge. When I opened it there was oil floating on top and a huge white blob in the centre. I have tried stirring it but it has the consistency of putty. Could I fix it by heating it or mixing some water into it.
Hope you can help. I live on a farm and its a long way for me to get back to the shop.
Sorry I meant Amy, not Stacy
Hi Bronwyn! I’m not sure so I would write Plaid – they make the product. And they are quick to answer questions! Here’s the information:
Hi, Amy,
Thank you for your VERY informative blog. Not only is it helpful, but you’re personable and available to all of us with questions.
My project is this: I’ve saved scraps of fabric from the sheer curtains we use to cover our sliding glass door because I want to decoupage the light-switch plates to match the sheers.
Would you recommend that I use the Hard Coat or the Fabric Mod Podge? Or both? (Is it possible to use both?)
I do plan on using a sealer after everything is dry and before I put the switch plate back on the wall.
Thank you for your input.
Hi Juanita! You can get away with just the fabric – or really, just the Hard Coat. Either is very durable. 😀 You can use both together, but they are different finishes, so make sure you completely cover with the last coat. Have fun, sounds like a great project!!
This is such an incredibly useful post, thank you!
Hello! I’m a preschool teacher and wanted to have the kids mod podge photos of themselves and magazine clippings to cardstock for Fathers Day, but I want to place the finished product inside a coffee tumbler so I would need the paper to be flexible. Is there any mod podge that won’t harden ir crack when I roll it?
Hi Stefanie! If you use several thin layers and the photos are not thick (printed on thinner printer paper) then it will work the way you want it to 😀
Amy, I just found your site (and I promise I’ll finish reading the “Learn How” section, but I keep getting sidetracked by the links to additional articles you’ve written!) and I’ve read through the comments on this page, so I have a question for you. I’ve never done any decoupage before, but then I saw this sewing machine and wanted to do something similar
( ). I’m a little worried that the Mod Podge will be sticky, but I’m hesitant to use any sort of spray sealant on a working machine. Can you recommend a sealer that would be good for this? My machine’s metal, if it matters. Thank you very much!
Hi there! I’d use a brush on sealer then. You can get those from craft stores. That’s the best bet for something you don’t want to spray. Have fun and thanks for reading!
How long does Dimensional Magic need to dry/cure before it is “HARD”? I made a key chain project with it for my Mom for Mother’s Day and when I looked at it 2 weeks later it had a bunch of little divets in it and I’m wondering if I should try and redo it and let it dry longer to harden or if that is as hard as it will get. It still feels a little “soft” on the top all these weeks later.
Hi again, Amy. I’ve watched the videos you posted and I have new questions. For rounded surfaces, or surfaces with multiple curves, are there any tools you can use? In your videos, you use paper on the flat surfaces with the brayer or squeegee (and fabric on the slightly curved one) and you don’t add any Mod Podge to the top until after the project’s had some time to dry. In the videos and tutorials I’ve seen with curved surfaces and paper, it seems to be all fingers and Mod Podge on everything at once . Please, do you have any advice or suggestions for paper on curved (but not cylindrical) surfaces?
I have never used Mod Podge before. I want to make a pencil holder using a glass jar and letter stickers. I am thinking I can put the stickers on the glass, and cover in mod podge. Will this work?? Will I have to coat the entire jar or will it look fine if I only cover where the letters are? It is a present for my daughters teacher, so I want it to last
Thank you for your time,
Jenn M
Hi Jenn! Yes, you can use Mod Podge. I recommend gloss and you should paint the whole thing, so that you don’t see the Mod Podge where you go over the stickers. Have fun!
CAn you mod podge shoes with paper without having it year or crack?
Hi there Wendy – Paper I’m not sure about. I think you’d have to put a lot of Mod Podge on top. I’d say try it but at your own risk 😀
I’m trying to decoupage a vinyl type makeup train case. Its thick kinda lile car vinyl. Any suggestions on what the final top coat should be? Sould it be the super gloss or dementional magic? Help!!!
Hi Jenny! You are going to have a hard time Mod Podging vinyl – it’s a polymer, like a plastic, so it’s likely not going to work. You can try it with Original Gloss, but it’s at your own risk 😀
Hi! I was wondering about the difference between the Puzzle Saver and original. I have some leftover Puzzle Saver and I’m wondering if I can use it for normal Mod Podge crafts. Thanks!!
Hi Cassidy! Yep, you can 😀
Hi Amy! Quick question for you! I have about 100 small, handcrafted Paper containers. They were used for Wedding Favor Boxes. I’ve been tasked with re-purposing them. I’m currently planning to make some All Natural, Organic Solid Perfume (Beeswax, Carrier Oil, Essential Oils for scent) and pour that into them.
Is there a version of Mod Podge that would work to seal the inside of the Paper Containers so that the Beeswax wouldn’t seep through, when poured in? Would the heat from the melted Beeswax be enough that it would melt a Mod Podge finish?
I was trying to find something Non-Toxic to use, as I really don’t want the chemicals from a “Toxic” Sealant to get pulled into the Beeswax and tarnish the quality of my finished product.
Hi Jessica! Unfortunately this wouldn’t work – the heat would melt the Mod Podge too 🙁
I’m wondering if you couldn’t use petroleum jelly? Although that might melt as well.
Just got a new job at Hobby Lobby. Unfortunately, they don’t pay me quite enough to buy everything in the store, especially the things I’m not *SUPER* interested in, but I’m so glad people like you make guides like this on the internet so I can answer questions about things I otherwise might not get a chance to experiment with myself 🙂
This has been really helpful 🙂
I am so glad to have found this! I work at a craft store and am always asked why there are so many different Mod Podges. Now I feel like I have enough information about all the of them! Thanks so much!!!
hi there. have you had good luck with outdoor mod podge on top of paint? i spray-painted a wooden pallet planter i’d made using rust-oleum outdoor paints, then hand-painted fine detail using folk art outdoor acrylics. i let the paint dry several days (spray paint took fantastically, acrylic was less fingernail-proof but as good as i’d expect), gave it a very light coat of outdoor UV acrylic sealant spray, and bought some outdoor mod podge after reading your guide & consulting the craft store folks. i applied the same amount/thickness of the outdoor variety that i’ve used on similar mod podge projects in the past. the painted/sprayed wood surface was clean & dry.
24 hours after application, i’m worried i may have ruined my project. i do need to wait the full 72 hours of drying time recommended on the label before jumping to any conclusions, but i’m concerned not to see the product looking clearer or being more tenacious by now. today when i went to add a second coat, i was surprised to find a cloudy-white layer of mod podge that peeled off easily.
am i just watching the pot too much? if this is a normal stage of drying for outdoor mod podge, i’ll re-coat the area i peeled off (& repaint some acrylic detail lost in the peeling – boo). if you wouldn’t expect to see a translucent, gummy layer of mod podge this far into the drying process, though, i’ll trust your experience…& might try to peel it all off. thanks for any advice!
Hi there! Hmm – this definitely doesn’t sound right. I’m wondering what was in that UV spray sealer you used, or the spray paint. The Outdoor Mod Podge is acrylic, as is the FolkArt, and they work fine together for sure. I’ve used them many times. If it still has not dried correctly, I would call Plaid to ask them: I think they may need to refer to the scientists for more information.
thanks for the reply!
Hey Amy!
I need some serious help. I have my wedding shoes from David’s Bridal and I’m wanting to glitter just the heels on them. They’re some type of silk. Not sure if they’re real silk or if it matters. Which modpodge would I use, and how would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Stacy! Honestly I would paint the heels with a fabric paint in the matching glitter color first. Because, for instance if you put turquoise glitter on white shoes, you’ll see the white through the glitter. So *carefully* paint the heels, then use Mod Podge Gloss (it’s fine) and a chunkier glitter. Paint the heel with the Mod Podge, sprinkle the glitter over the heel, let dry. Tap off excess glitter and touch up any patchy areas. Have fun!
I was wondering, what would happen if I mixed the glitter into the modpodge? Also, do I have to rough up the parts I plan to glue?
Great blog post. This was really helpful. I have been using Mod Podge puzzle saver for puzzles and decided to switch to standard Mod Podge as it is way cheaper. I was wondering if you have noticed if Matte will cause any cloudiness? I will be using a matte acrylic spray over the Mod Podge anyway so it made me wonder if Gloss Mod Podge is a better choice as it will might be more “clear”, since I will be doing a matte spray anyway? Basically would Gloss MP + Matte spray give the best desired final matte finish, or should I go matte all the way? Thanks for the advice!
Hi Ed! Mod Podge dries completely clear – the way to do it is build up several thin layers and let them dry between (on a puzzle at least). Thank you!
I am trying to decoupage on glass dried flowers. I’m using mod podge and a foam brush… I am getting lines from the brush in the mod podge… I am desiring a smooth finish. Is there a mod podge I can use to get the desired smooth finish with no lines, or can you recommend me some other product? Thanks
Hi Gina! I recommend a soft bristled brush, and VERY lightly sanding with #0000 steel wool between layers. If you sand with the steel wool it will not hurt the dried flowers (remember to keep the sanding light!).
Hi, I make and sell jewelries.
Does Mod Podge get hard enough to polish?
I have tried several resins and 3D lacquers, they come out shiny but not as shiny as I want. And I could sand them smooth but they are not hard enough to polish.
So I am looking for something super clear and hard that I can sand and polish for the extreme shine.
Please let me know if any of the Mod Podge work.
Thank you 🙂
Hi Linda! No, it’s not a product that you can polish. Maybe something like EnviroTex?
Thank you for the quick response.
I have used EnviroTex Jewelry Resin before, and it turned yellow after awhile…
Do you know any resin, lacquer…or anything I don’t have to mix and they get hard enough to polish?
Thank you 🙂
i am making wallets from cotton fabric, and i was wanting to give them some strength and protection, would your fabric mod podge be good for that, they will have a lot of bending in them, please let me know thank you.
a smith
Hi Amy & friends,
I am glad I found this blog because it is very helpful, & I am new to to Mod Podge & this type of crafting. I do have a couple of questions if anyone could please help out. First, I am interested in getting the Mod Podge Satin. It says in the first couple of paragraphs that I should spray with a clear acrylic sealer after I have used the Modge Podge. Because the glue might come out sticky. Do I understand right? Doesn’t the Mod Podge come in spray form already? Where would I get a clear acrylic sealer? How then would I apply the glue to my project? One last question & I will leave you alone: Is the Mod Podge Satin also known as “Plaid Mod Podge Satin”? Thank you all for your help, & Happy Holidays.
Hi Kat! So the Gloss version is typically the one that is tacky – but it’s not sticky all the time, just in some climates. You can have any clear acrylic sealer on hand for this. Yes, there is a Mod Podge version and you can get it at the craft store in the Mod Podge section. You can also get it at the hardware store. Plaid makes Mod Podge, so yes, Plaid Mod Podge is the same thing 😀
If you want to glue embellishments onto a Mod Podged project, you can use Mod Podge if they are lightweight. If they are larger, I’d use a craft glue or hot glue gun. The primary use of Mod Podge is to decoupage items to surfaces (but you can use it as glue too).
hi amy, very kind of you for getting back to me & thank you! i am looking for some kind of finish for my project to make sure things stayed in place, had a sheen to it, otherwise looked nice. i googled some words & was led to this informative blog. reading the descriptions, the satin mod podge sounded most like what i wanted. i am gluing yarn, fabric, (beads, pearls, quartz,–fake), charms, & ribbon to an embossed cardboard box with other types of craft glues. do you think i should use the mod podge satin or the clear acrylic as finishers? amy, i would be so appreciative for your help because i have a deadline to meet (yikes!)
I’d use the clear acrylic as a top coat!
thanks for the advice amy. happy holidays all 😀
Hello, I’m soooo glad I ran across this. I really need some advice!!! I tried scrolling through the comments above but may have overlooked what I’m looking for. I did a small project which included paper mache boxes covered in the regular matte Mod Podge and then lastly, I sprayed with a few coats of clear satin polyurethane. But….. I hadn’t taken the smell issue into account prior to starting the project. Is there anything at all that I can do to get rid of or at least lessen the odor??? This is a gift and I’m putting body soaps inside of the boxes – I really don’t feel comfortable doing that with the strong polyurethane smell. Also, I had one more box to do. Is there a different sort of sealer spray I can use that wouldn’t have such a strong smell? Thanks so much for any advice on this. Truly appreciated…
Hi Maia – it takes awhile for the smell to go away from sprays of any kind. I’d put it in the garage (if you can). Otherwise you’ll just have to wait. Next time, use a clear brush on sealer – those don’t smell 😀
Thanks so much for the quick response! Thanks, very good to know. I sure wish I would have known this before starting the project, hahah. I did put in the garage though so I hope that helps a bit. It’s been about 7 or 8 days already so I guess I’m just playing the waiting game. Will the smell ever eventually go away all together or no?
Oh! And one last question (although my first question above is my major concern at this point). For some reason, when I sprayed the polyurethane (third coat), right before my eyes I sadly watched some areas crackle/crinkle up. All that work and then at the very end I ruined it. I debated tossing it out or trying to salvage and then finally decided to leave it as is. There are random spots that cracked up like this and even turned a tiny bit yellow in those spots. Do you know why? And mainly, do you know if there is any way to fix it or should I just leave it alone? Again, thanks so much.
Hi Maia, I don’t know what brand you used so unfortunately I can’t say what the poly did 🙁 I’d contact the manufacturer of the poly spray. If it’s acrylic it shouldn’t have done that.
I used Clear Satin poly spray from Krylon.
I am trying to Mod Podge shoes withglitter. I am going to mix fine glitter into the Mod Podge and apply several layers to make sure the original shoe pattern is covered. The texture of the shoe is fabricish sort of like Suede. Approximately how long should I wait for the shoes to dry before spraying the acrylic finish so it is not tacky? How long should I wait before wearing the shoes? Will the glitter still sparkle if i use a matte Mod Podge?
Hi Kiyyah – I’d wait 24 hours before spraying the finish and then 24 hours before wearing. I’ll be honest – the Mod Podge will dull the sparkle and Matte is the worst to do that. I recommend either doing Gloss (which will still dull it, but not as much) or doing a small test to make sure that you are okay with the result. Good luck!
I have made a burlap flag with an outdoor vinyl monogram I was wondering what is best to seal the vinyl to the burlap so it want peel off. Thanks
Hi Venessa – you could use Outdoor Mod Podge – just keep in mind that it will change the texture of the burlap and darken it a little (as any sealer will). Another option is a clear spray sealer from Home Depot.
Hi I’ve never worked w mod podge and I got an old bottle from a second hand store in a box of craft items. I wanted to try it out but it’s so thick I can barely spread it. It was sealed so well I could barely open the jar and it’s wet and flexible. Is this how it should be? Can I thin it out w water? Or ??? It’s the plain ol mod podge mat. Has it gone bad? Ideas?
Hi Heather – sounds like it’s gone bad. Even sealed, the shelf life isn’t but like a year. I’d get a new jar! You can use your coupons at the craft store and get 40% off 😀
Hi there. So very glad to have found you! I’m applying fine glitter to the stem and base of wine glasses. I’ve used the Original Gloss… one coat of MP… one coat of glitter… wait one hour… repeat. So far, so good. Now, I would like to apply a “top coat” that will allow me to hand-wash the glasses without losing the glitter, and preferably without turning yellow. Would the Outdoor or Hard Coat MP work? Is there something that would be better? How long should I wait after the final coat of glitter before applying the top coat? Then, after applying the top coat, how long before using / washing the glasses? Thank you bunches!! Mod Podge does rock!
Hi Rhonda! So regular Mod Podge doesn’t work to wash – HOWEVER, there is a new dishwasher safe Mod Podge you can get at Michaels! You would be fine to apply the dishwasher safe Mod Podge right away, and then follow the instructions on the jar before washing. Good luck!
Hiya, I’m planning on putting glitter on wine glasses and I’m not sure which product is best to use. Can you advise me please? Also where can I buy mod podge in the uk?
Hi Eleni! The dishwasher safe is the kind you’ll want to use – it’s brand new in Michaels. If you are in the UK, you’ll have to order it online somehow – I’d contact Plaid to see what your options are (they make the product):
Hi! I am about to use Mod Podge for the first time, but am concerned about my use. I need layer some scrapbook paper, but the bottom layer is a solid glitter paper. It is usually hard to get something to stick to a solid glitter surface. Should original Mod Podge work when I use it to glue regular paper on top of glitter paper?
Hi there! It should work but you will probably have you use quite a bit – I would MP the paper down, wipe away the excess and then maybe set something heavy on top of the layers so that they are smashed together. Do a test first if you can (with a small scrap). Also put Mod Podge on the glitter paper AND the back of the scrapbook paper.
I used MP for the first time today, and didn’t realize how much it caused scrapbook paper to bubble up/wrinkle. The goal was to apply the scrapbook paper to some poster board, and am now confused on what to do next. Should I use acrylic sealer or spray adhesive to prep the paper? Also should I MP over the paper after doing the prep? I’m so confused so please help!!
Hi Ally! Please watch my YouTube videos – . . . they will explain everything. Also this:
I have a decal on a coffee mug. Now I want to put flat backed pearls over the decal. Can I use Mod Podge to glue them on and then seal with it as well.
Hi Marie! You would definitely need something tougher like E-6000. Mod Podge is primarily used for decoupage and flat items.
Thank you for sharing all this information . It does look a little intimidating when you see all the different Podge. Very helpful info – from a very grateful crafted !
hi! i plan on making some wooden coasters with fluid art for a craft fair i’m participating in. should i use outdoor, dishwasher safe, or super thick gloss? thanks in advance!
I’d use Hard Coat or regular Mod Podge. Then what you want to do is add a top coat of VHT Engine Enamel (or several) so that people can put hot mugs on the coasters: Good luck!
Can you remove Mod Podge once it has hardened?
Hi Don! I wrote a post about that: Check it out and let me know if it helps!
Can I use Mod Podge Ultra Sprat to glue my puzzle together? I wan’t UV protection and am hoping I won’t need two separate products.
Hi Jeremy! Yes you can. But what I would do is either spray it on and brush it into the gaps or pour some out into a container and then brush it on. I’m not sure that spraying it alone will get it in all the crevices.
Could someone please suggest products and method for attaching card stock (thick paper) to a wood barrel head. The end result should be that the paper would not have edges that you couldn’t feel and would be sealed. Thanks in advance. I appreciate you helping out a crafty newbie😇
Hi Ray! So Mod Podge isn’t going to do all the things you’re asking about. You can use it to attach paper to wood using the method here:
However, Mod Podge won’t give you edges you can’t feel. Nor will it be UV resistant. You’ll want to pour a resin on top – that you’ll have to mix – if you want the leveled look you’re mentioning:
ETI resin isn’t UV resistant however. There are others that are when I do a search, however, I’m not familiar with those other brands. And you might be able to find a resin that is satin finish as well (do a search) – ETI resin is glossy and again, that’s the one I’m familiar with.
The desired end result would be that you would not be able to feel the edges of the thick paper. Also, the effect is for it to appear as though the surface of the card stock was the same level as the wood.
Can I do this with Mod Podge and which ones?
I’d like a finish that’s not super shiny, maybe satin but durable and uv resistant.
Can you please give me a link to this product: ModPodge Brushstroke
Thanks in advance!
Hi Ans! It’s very hard to find . . . you’ll have to do a search online for something near you. It’s out of stock in a lot of places!
I have a project done by a youth group in bind paper but in colored pencil, crayone, watercolor. Will mid lodge smear or react with any or all of these
Hi Walter! I’ve tested Mod Podge with these items! Check it out:
Yes, it will smear watercolor – I would spray it first with clear acrylic sealer.
If I’m doing a collage on a half -bathroom wall, which would you recommend?
Hi Annie! I’d use Hard Coat. But honestly, if you can only find regular Mod Podge, that should be fine. It’s a 1/2 bath so it won’t be subject to much moisture!
Iam doing diamond are and have been told that mod podge is great to you use but don’t know with one can someone please help
You’re going to want to watch this video:
Someone had a question on my online crafting group about what kind of Mod Podge to use. I was curious too and decided to google it. Was I ever surprised to find this wonderful link with so much information! I was even more surprised at the many types of Mod Podge I hadn’t even heard of! This is such a great source I will definitely share this link!
Thank you so much Peggy! If they have any questions let me know!
So helpful, thank you for all this information!
Thanks for taking the time to do this. This list is very helpful x)
My pleasure!
I’m redoing our coffee table and adding a picture and color paint stenciling to it. Should I still just use the Furniture Modge Podge? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Crystal! Furniture Mod Podge is actually discontinued, though some people still have bottles of it which is why it’s included in the guide. It wasn’t discontinued that long ago. Hard Coat is the same so if you can only find that, that’s what you should use.
@Amy, Thank you so much! 😀 this is my first project…I’ll keep you posted on how it all turns out in the end.
Thank you, I finally understand now about ALL the vary as well as there uses! This was so very helpful and very user friendly language!
Can this guide be printed? It’s very helpful and I’d love to have a printed copy in a folder to have handy.
Hi Karen! Try this:
It makes any web page print friendly. Thank you so much for reading and the kind words!
I knew about this product but didn’t realize there were so many different formulas. I had already bought some and this post helped me to know what I want for the future as well as what I can do with what I purchased. Thank you, very informative!!
My pleasure, thank you for reading!
This was great information. Thanks
I do out door wood sign , my wife like water color. I am looking for gloss mod lodge to protect from Uv outdoors or to prevent from yellowing. Is it hard coat or ????
Hi Coyne! You would use Outdoor Mod Podge – it’s the only one with UV protection!
Are there any finishes that can take some heat, like to put a hot dish on?
The resin can take heat up to 110F:
Any higher than that – I would look for a heat safe resin on Amazon. They exist, and cost a bit more. It’s the only thing (I’ve tried everything!).
I have a ? Can I use Mod podge to glue paper pieces around a balloon to make a mold for my cement crafts????
Hi Robin – Mod Podge doesn’t glue well to balloons which is why it’s often used as a release for bowls, etc. so I’m thinking it wouldn’t work well.
Hi Amy,
I can’t thank you enough for this incredibly helpful and thorough explanation. I am in a bit of a pickle and could use your advice. I have a commission due soon and added MP super Gloss to the eyes to make them look shiny and more realistic and then noticed it says it take 4 weeks to cure!! Do you have any tips for speeding up the curing process? Thank you in advance for any insight you might provide. Craft on!
Hi Elizabeth! Here are the official definitions of each. Having said that . . . I think you could easily give your commission the person with a caveat. Also if you send it, use wax paper over the eyes which the person should remove upon receipt. That should be fine. It’s not summer so it won’t melt.
DRY TIME VS. CURE TIME – Want to explain the difference for those who aren’t aware, as most Mod Podge formulas dry within hours or overnight but are not fully cured for 3 – 4 weeks.
Acrylic products typically dry right away, or within hours (or in humid environments maybe longer). You can touch them, hang them, but you shouldn’t expose them yet to rough handling.
Curing is when solvents in a product evaporate and a product reaches its maximum strength. Curing is a chemical process. Even craft paint goes through this process, as does wall paint, etc.
You can hang a Mod Podge canvas once it’s dried. Wear Mod Podge earrings. Fill a Mod Podged mason jar with candy and gift it.
You shouldn’t let people use a Mod Podge stepstool or table until it’s cured. Or a Dishwasher Safe mug. This is because those particular items will get handled and “abused” more. So you want your acrylic medium (in this case, Mod Podge) to have time to reach its strongest state.
Also an item is curing the entire 3 – 4 weeks. That means about 1.5 – 2 weeks in, it’s at about 50% cured. But cure time depends on environment (where you live) and other factors.
Can the Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer be used to seal/finish a puzzle?
Hi MP! It will seal the puzzle but it’s not going to glue anything together. That’s what the puzzle saver is for!
More of a question than a comment, I design gourds, hand paint most, But want to do a napkin or cloth design with mod podge, some of my gourds are bird feeders, or nesting DO I use the hard or just the out door podge? AND can you combine the podges? like put an outdoor item with the glow in the dark one?
Yes you can combine the Podges and yes you can use either Hard Coat or Outdoor. If they are actually sitting outdoors in the weather, I think this post will be of interest to you:
Thank you so much for the info! I pulled out an older bottle of modge(gloss) I had used for a project a few years ago and used it for a more recent project. After I realized it had a lot of brush strokes. Is there any advice for getting less brush strokes? Is it just because it was old? I don’t feel like there was this many in the original project but figured I’d ask someone else who might know. Thank you for any insight you can give!
More brush strokes can happen if the product is old and it’s been subjected to temp changes – and it’s dried a little. Here’s the answer in my how to article:
How can I minimize/eliminate brush strokes?
Use a soft bristled brush and then sand between coats. To do this, apply the Mod Podge and let it dry an hour. Then use #0000 steel wool and lightly sand the entire surface. Do this between every coat. After the final coat, sand and then spray a clear acrylic sealer to finish.
I have some Lchohol ink that says it must be mixed with resin— what does that mean. Does it mean I cannot use it without the resin straight from the bottle ?.
Hi Toni! I’m not sure but alcohol ink can be used on its own. For example, I used alcohol ink with Mod Podge in this project:
I’d do a test though. Just because I don’t know which brand you are using. It can also be used with resin for sure!
Hello what would be the best modge podge to glue loose glitter to canvas trainers please
Check out the post I did here:
This article was very helpful,however,Iamwonderingwhichmodgepodgemediumisbestforusingwithnapkins.
Regular gloss works just fine!
I should have read this before I bought the starter pack. Making something for the bathroom and chose dishwasher but might be happier with outdoor. Can’t wait to watch all your tutorials. Thank you for helping out your fellow crafters.
I’ve never tried Mod Podge but am addicted to resin. I’ve made amazing things with resin that you can’t with Mod Podge – one isn’t better than the other because they’re a DIFFERENT.
YES, more often than not we mix but it’s necessary. Mod Podge doesn’t require it for any reason.
Yes and some of the resin can be toxic and for good reason – is there anything harder than resin to craft with? It’s rock hard!
Do not defend yourself or criticize resin users – different crafts.
Now you’ve made me want to try this after reading an article that took me here quite ”by accident”? Why not sent me a few good coupons so I can check this “stuff out”? Maybe you can “turn” me!
Hi Karen! I like resin too and use it all the time on bigger projects. And I don’t have coupons – I don’t sell Mod Podge!
I was curious if you can glue down regular photos onto wood. Also… can you drill through the layers with and without the acrylic coat on top? Please advise. I’m new to this and wasn’t sure. Thank you.
Hi Emi! I don’t use original photographs; rather, I make photocopies on a laserjet printer so that I can preserve the originals. Or I’ll use inkjet and let dry overnight.
The other reason I don’t use original photos is that they have some thickness to them as well as a coating – both things make them a little bit more difficult to Mod Podge. I like my Mod Podging as flat as possible.
If you want to go ahead and use photos, just make sure to use a lot of Mod Podge, because it takes more than normal. You’ll have to hold the photos in place for several minutes after you apply the Podge, so that they don’t come up.
And yes, you can drill through the layers both with and without.
Hallo Amy
Thank you soooo much for this article. It made the ‘little flops’ I stumbled on, make sense – wrong podge for the project at hand (H@H@H@).
By asking this question might be one of those – I am a hobbieist through need (needed to maintain my sanity), so mostly little reading and more doing, hence the product/ project mix….
I am staying in South Africa and our local shops do not stock your brand. I could not find a price list, neither if or how I can order. I love trying new things and do mixing and matching.
kind regards
Hi Elise! Absolutely my pleasure! I would ask here:
They will be able to help 🙂
What Modge Podge would you recommend to add sparkles to a pair of crocs? Thank you
Mod Podge Gloss:
Refer to the part about dulling sparkle. I have never Mod Podged Crocs! I’m not sure if it would stick.
Great info for me, a beginner. thanks, Pat
Thank you for all the great info! Excited to start my mod podge journey and make some cute decor for my house. I think this will be a perfect hobby for a mom of two like myself to have a little fun and alone time without breaking the bank. Possibilities are endless!
Definitely! Thank you for reading Brittney!
How did we ever ‘craft’ without Mod Podge?
Good question! 😀
Can you decoupage candles?
You can BUT it’s not “officially” recommended to burn them. There are other options: – use LEDs – use the glass votive kind – you can decoupage the outside of the glass – carve out part of the candle and use a tealight or LED tealight.
Why does my sparkle mod Podge I just bought from hobby lobby look like cottage cheese?!?? Is that normal?!?!
That doesn’t sound normal! But, I haven’t seen it – so I would try painting it out. If it’s lumpy or smells then yes please, return or exchange.
Which one is the best for a mosaic of “beach broken glass”, that must be resistant to heat because it is going to be behind the chemisee of the fireplace (little) in a sailboat ? For protecting the heat of the chemisee directly on the wooden wall ? Thank you
Mod Podge won’t work in these circumstances. It’s not meant to take intense heat from a fireplace. Also are you decoupaging? If it’s real glass, that’s not really an application for Mod Podge. I’d use grout.
Is there a Mod Podge for fabric that allows fabric to be flexible when it dries? Thanks
There is!
How to seal rub on transfers to glass using modge podge to make permanent : cups and or plates, drinking glasses. I’m not having good turn outs with these or my waterslide transfers! Help
Hi Tanya! I’m not really sure when it comes to waterslide transfers or rub ons. Can you join our FB group? Then you can ask people who probably have experience.
Is Mod Podge acid free?
Only the Paper Mod Podge formula! It’s low acid though.
Hi there…..I’m trying to make a river bed for a model train. What is the best gloss Mod Podge for being poured 1/8 inch thick?
Hi Richard! I don’t know that any Mod Podge would work. It’s not made to be poured in a layer like that. I think you’ll want to use epoxy, which you can also mix with color:
I’m worried about using it now! Was about to buy 32oz too – it’s sometimes sticky and needs a few coats of acrylic sealer? And the gloss and the matte show scratches? Doesn’t sound ideal to me…
Hi Teresa! Mod Podge is an awesome product despite some of the workarounds. Which you have to do with any acrylic product! Not sure what project you’re doing. It’s not for every person and every project so it might not be for you!
I am building some Christmas yard art that utilizes paper patterns on plywood from the 1950’s. Which product you recommend for adhering the paper patterns to the plywood? Also – is there a product I could use over the paper patterns to protect them from the elements while outdoors?
Thank You!!
Hi Builder Brian! It depends on how rough the plywood is. If it’s really rough, I’d probably use something strong than acrylic and waterbased (which Mod Podge is) – like a really strong spray adhesive. And for Christmas . . . it really depends on where you live. If it’s very wet and lots of weather, I’d use something strong from Home Depot like a weatherproof clear acrylic. It sounds like what you’re doing requires a product that is a bit stronger than the norm!
Which Mod Podge should I use over wooden coasters that I have covered with paper napkins?
I’d use hard coat and then engine enamel after that!
I’d like to use some batik fabric (from a big fabric store) as the top layer of a project and protect it with something clear for a durable finish. The object to which I’m applying the fabric has various contours and curves, i.e., it’s not flat like a table.
On a test piece, I tried epoxy resin, which I’ve used extensively on other projects, but it made the fabric’s dark colors MUCH darker (the bright colors were affected less) and obliterated all the subtle variations in tone. Even plain water seems to have the same effect; if it gets wet, it gets dark.
Is there a Mod Podge product that will allow this lightweight cotton fabric to remain flexible enough to conform to contoured surfaces AND that won’t make the fabric look darker?
Hi Jonathan! The effect you are getting, unfortunately, will happen with any acrylic product (and resin as well). It’s all about the dyes in the fabric, but anything is going to darken slightly.
I want to decopage the inside of a lampshade with a slick surface. Will the regular Mod Podge work or do I need to do additional prep?
The regular Mod Podge will work just fine. Having said that if the surface is too slick, it won’t work with an acrylic product like Mod Podge.
I am using adhesive vinyl on insulated water jugs for the baseball team. Which product would be waterproof and help seal the vinyl names. The vinyl is put on side of jug so no contact with their mouths. Sealant is needed because jugs are not smooth texture and afraid vinyl will wear off quickly.
Hi Pamela! Mod Podge isn’t meant to work with vinyl. Some people do use it, but it often doesn’t stick, so I can’t recommend it officially. I use permanent vinyl.
Can I put mod podge in a squeeze bottle like the ones from Dollar Tree
You absolutely can!
Can you use modge podge to add layers over dimensional magic?
Hi there! Yes you can use the two products together. Just keep in mind that Mod Podge isn’t as crystal clear as Dimensional Magic, though it is clear. It might dry with brushstrokes is what I’m saying. You can layer Dimensional Magic also 🙂
Can I use Mod Podge as a sealant for a 3×7 foot copper headboard? I want to maintain the integrity of the patina as well as the natural copper.
If so, what would you suggest?
Hi Paula! I would use a spray or brush on sealant for it, not Mod Podge. I would do some copper sealant research. I just found this:
Which ones are flexible? I want to seal a fabric journal binding.
I would use the Hard Coat for a fabric journal binding! Use thin layers.
I’ve taken up using sketchbooks lately and now I am trying to find something to seal and protect the pages from sticking together. Candle wax works as long as its not pencil based (that smudges) i would like if it could be used to seal watercolor work as well. Any advice please?
Hi Balinor! I wouldn’t use Mod Podge. I’d inquire at an art store but I’m more inclined to recommend something like this:
thank you for all the info!! what a great selection of products. are all Mod Podge products archival quality and non-yellowing? thank you!!!
Great article, I have a question on what is best to use for preserving paper shopping bags to make them durable and reusable.
I follow the instructions on how to color the jars using the items but after the glass dryer it has a film inside what do I do for this the color is prefect
Thank you for this amazingly-thorough, yet simple-to-follow great guide! I kept gleefully scrolling and didn’t want the magic to end!
Very informative, thank you. I do have a question. I’m in the beginning of creating a photo collage for my sister who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Once all they pictures have been placed and glued. Once I seal it with the Mod Podge formula, once it dries can it be rolled up? I’ll be traveling on the train to take it to her and don’t want to frame it took I get there. So can I roll it up and store it in a mailing tube?
Thank you, thank you! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for: the definitive guide to Mod Podge!
Mod Podge Water Resist – Great stuff!
Who sells Brushstroke Mod Podge? I haven’t found it anywhere including Amazon
Fantastic so many options. Where can I buy them