Learn all about the Mod Podge Satin formula! Find out what it is, how to use it, and see some unique projects you can make.

I already wrote articles about Mod Podge Gloss and Mod Podge Matte, and I’m excited to finally share with you the third basic decoupage formula: Mod Podge Satin!
If I have to pick between the Gloss, Matte, and Satin formula – well, I have a dirty little secret – I almost always pick Satin. It’s my favorite. It’s true!
And let me tell you a little something about Mod Podge Satin that you might not know:
IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME as Mod Podge Gloss and Mod Podge Matte with the exception of the finish.
Gloss is shiny – very reflective of light. Matte is flat. The way that these Mod Podge formulas work is nearly the same as wall paint in terms of the sheen and how it is described.
So what THAT means is that Satin is in between Gloss and Matte. It’s not quite shiny . . . but it’s not flat either.
I think the best way to describe it is with a visual. Let me show you:
Not only does the Satin only have a slight sheen – but it feels “soft” and smooth to the touch. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t dry or that it is soft like a blanket . . . you just have to use the formula and touch it to know what I’m talking about.
I really love Mod Podge Satin. The halfway point between Gloss and Matte is PERFECT for me! Now let’s move onto the FAQ.
Questions About Mod Podge Satin
1. What is the difference between Mod Podge Gloss, Matte, and Satin? In terms of how they operate and being glues, sealers, and finishes – they are all the same.
The ONLY difference is the sheen. Gloss is shiny, Matte is flat, and Satin is somewhere in between. They all do exactly the same thing.
2. How do I know which of the three basic formulas (Gloss, Matte, Satin) I should pick? There aren’t any rules! You pick based on the finish you like best. I have all three and I just picked what I’m in the mood for.
3. What surfaces can I use this formula on? Wood, canvas, tin, metal, terra cotta, and more. If fabric is your base, use Fabric Mod Podge.
4. Can I use this to decoupage shoes? Or for outdoor items? Or for clothing? I highly recommend selecting the appropriate formula for your purpose using this guide HERE.
The various formulas are not the same thing with a different bottle label. The specialized formulas have different ingredients, and different prices too. There’s a reason for that.
5. How do I clean my applicator tools and brushes after using this product? Clean all Mod Podge applicator tools (brushes, squeegee and/or brayer) while wet with soap and water. Do it immediately while the tools are still wet before it dries.
6. Where can I buy Mod Podge Satin? This is a common selling formula, but not as widely distributed as Mod Podge Gloss and Matte. You’ll probably want to check out my where to buy Mod Podge guide first.
To sum it up, you’ll find it here: Amazon, Walmart, Michaels, Jo-Ann, Hobby Lobby, and AC Moore. If your local store is small or typically has a limited selection, make sure you call before making a special trip!
Are you ready for some project ideas using Mod Podge Satin? Check these out!
If you enjoyed learning about this formula, I’d love for you to check out these other formula guides:
Brushstroke • Dishwasher Safe • Extreme Glitter • Furniture • Glow in the Dark • Hard Coat • Outdoor • Sparkle • Super Matte • Dimensional Magic • Photo Transfer Medium • Puzzle Saver • Stiffy • Ultra
starting to make faux easter rabbits. I will be using plaster of paris for the rabbit. What type of mod podge should I use for the finish, to make the rabbit look like a chocolate covered rabbit at easter time. Should I use the mod podge satin finish or the shiny finish? I want the rabbit to look as close as it can like the ones you see in the store at easter time?
I feel like chocolate bunnies are more matte so I would use the matte or satin. 🙂
Doesmodge podge mat and satin offer I’ve protection ? Thanks
They don’t! Only the Outdoor. You can spray or brush a UV sealer on any of the Mod Podges if necessary.