Learn all about the Mod Podge Outdoor formula! Find out what it is, how to use it, and see some unique DIY projects you can make. Outdoor Mod Podge is going to be your new favorite craft supply!

If you’ve been looking for a Mod Podge formula that you can use outside – you’re going to love this post. Have you heard of Mod Podge Outdoor? If not, I’m excited to share everything I know about this super-amazing formula! Let’s start with the obvious:
Mod Podge Outdoor is made to be used on decoupage projects that will sit outdoors.
Simple, right? Well, there are a few things you should know about this formula. First of all, Mod Podge Outdoor is not waterproof. It is HIGHLY water resistant.
This means that if you want a decoupage item to sit on a covered porch where it is not exposed to weather 24 hours a day, you are fine using this formula by itself.
HOWEVER – if you live in Seattle and your project is constantly rained on or you live in Arizona and the sun is beating down on your craft all the time, I suggest another sealer that is waterpoof and/or UV resistant on top.
Having said that, for most of us, Outdoor Mod Podge is just perfect for our climate. We can make projects that will sit outside using this formula alone. Like other Mod Podge formulas, this bad boy is a glue, sealer, and finish in one.
So if you are doing an outdoor project, you don’t need any additional Mod Podges. All you need is this one green bottle!
There are a few characteristics of this formula you should know.
- It is thicker than the other formulas. This is normal.
- Because the formula is thicker, brushstrokes can be more obvious. To minimize them: use a soft bristled brush and sand between coats. To do this, apply the Mod Podge and let it dry an hour. Then use #0000 steel wool and lightly sand the entire surface. Do this between every coat.
- It has a glossy finish. Check out this chip to show you what the finish looks like in the light:
Now that I’ve shared the basics with you, let’s move onto the FAQ!
Questions About Mod Podge Outdoor
1. Will my Mod Podge outdoor project be waterproof?
Outdoor Mod Podge is water resistant and is most durable when used on projects that are in a sheltered area. If your project is going to be constantly exposed to the elements like sun and rain, I recommend a brush on waterproof/UV sealer like this one.
2. Is this Mod Podge formula UV resistant?
It is not. Your project will fade in the bright sun over time.
3. How long do I need to cure my Mod Podge Outdoor project before putting it outside? Let project cure completely in a dry room with 68 degree or higher temperature for 72 hours.
4. What type of brush should I use with Mod Podge Outdoor? A soft bristled brush is fine. You don’t need anything special.
5. Which surfaces can I use this formula on? Wood, glass, terra cotta, tin, and anything porous. So yes, you can decorate your clay pots with this awesome formula!
6. How do I use Outdoor Mod Podge with napkins? A light background works best. If you have a surface that is fairly dark, basecoat it first with your choice of FolkArt Outdoor or Multi-Surface acrylic paint.
Cut the design out of the napkin, separate the layers and discard the two bottom white layers. Using your brush, apply a coat of Mod Podge over the design, allowing 15 – 30 minutes between coats. Let project dry inside at least 3 – 7 days before placing outdoors.
NOTE: Reapplication of Outdoor Mod Podge every several months will help preserve your project.
7. When applying paper to clay pots, how can I prevent water from leaking through and ruining my design? Basecoat the inside of the pot with FolkArt Outdoor or MultiSurface acrylic paint and coat in outdoor sealer to prevent water from leaking through.
Honestly this is why I mostly use fabric on pots, because it doesn’t ruin like paper. If you do want to use paper on your pot, I highly recommend coating the inside with these instructions.
8. Can I use this formula on shoes? Absolutely! This is a formula that people frequently use to decoupage shoes since it’s highly water resistant.
Just be sure to wipe your shoes off when you get home if you walk in puddles! You can also clean your shoes with a warm, wet cloth.
Are you ready for some project ideas using Mod Podge Outdoor? Click any of the images below.
Let me know if you have any questions about this formula in the comments!
Before you go, don’t forget to check out the bonus video. Learn how to make Outdoor bird art with Cathie and Steve. Simply press “PLAY” in the center of the video in this post! I’d also love for you to check out these other formulas:
Brushstroke • Dishwasher Safe • Extreme Glitter • Fabric • Furniture • Glow in the Dark • Gloss • Hard Coat • Matte • Satin • Sparkle • Super Matte • Dimensional Magic • Photo Transfer Medium • Puzzle Saver • Stiffy • Ultra
So happy to hear about this. My birdbaths made from terra cotta pots and painted would have benefited from it. They held up pretty good with no sealer because I did it know enough last summer. I have evolved.
hi modpodgerocks
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susan faber
hi, I’m curious if I can do a coat of regular ModPodge and then a coat of the outdoor … trying to save a little money 🙂
also, I noticed you suggested a UV acrylic sealer as final coat. will the spray can formula damage it?
thank you!!!!!
Yes, you can do that! Sometimes I do that too (shhhh!). You don’t NEED that final coat unless the item is going to be sitting in the sun or harsh conditions. And no the spray can won’t damage, just do a test spray on something else so you can see how it sprays before you do it on your beautiful project 🙂
Can I use outdoor modge podge instead of dishwasher safe?
Hi Nikki! If you are trying to actually wash things in the dishwasher than no, you’ll need the dishwasher safe. If it’s for a different use, perhaps! You can email me.
How long do I have to wait before using a Mod Podge project on a coffee mug after sealing it with Clear Engine Enamel?
Just until it is completely dry!
Hi, I bought a large decorative vinyl rug for the living room. After 3 months, I notice wher our shoes are wearing off some paint. I can’t think of nothing but a matte mod pudge w a Matt sealer. This rug gets quite a bit of use. Please recommend what to use. Thank you
Hi Marie-Jose! You’ll not want to use Mod Podge since you aren’t decoupaging anything. I’d just get a VHT engine enamel sealer (very very tough) or brush on outdoor sealer like Minwax polycrylic. You want something a bit more hardcore!
I love you.
My outdoor mod podge is still sticky do I have to put something over it ?
It will eventually cure and be non-sticky but to expedite the process you can put a brushable outdoor sealer over the top! Something like Minwax polycrylic.
Where can I buy this
Michaels, JoAnn, Walmart, Amazon, are just a few of the places!
can it be thinned with a little water? My project has paint flaking off and the thickness of the Mod Podge is encouraging the flaking. Not real thin just a little…thanks
Yes! That’s fine! 😀
Hello, I have a project in mind. I want to Mod Podge the walls inside an outhouse. It is currently painted inside with an acrylic latex satin enamel. I am thinking of using white craft glue to glue posters, sheets of wrapping paper, and paper images then cover it all with outdoor Mod Podge. Any idea if this would work? Also how does Mod Podge weather ? I am in the Yukon where it can get to -40. As the decoration would be inside the outhouse, it would not be exposed to the weather. Only the cold. Do you think the Mod Podge would yellow or crack over time? If you had any tips for this project I would appreciate it. Thank you Carla
Hi Carla! I did a little research and found that one of the main ingredients in Mod Podge can go through five freeze/thaw cycles before it loses its adhesive properties. I found some information on silicone that can stand freezing, but I don’t know that it would work for your project. Honestly I would go to a local hardware store and ask. I don’t know who else to ask because I don’t know anyone else that lives in those kind of temps!
@Carla Pitzel, Hi Carla I live in Edmonton and used the outdoor Mod podge to stick and protect a sign on our garage door, I applied to a freshly painted surface, I was generous with my application and it has held up very well for almost 4 years in all the local weather. I was a little worried last summer because it was quiet hot here for several weeks. It shows no sign of cracking, it is a bit yellow but it was that way right out of the bottle.
I have put modge podge on a acrylic painted canvas. I was wondering why it is sticky and if it just needs more time to dry or would it be better to spray it with a lacquer? It stick’s to other paintings and I dont want to ruin the paintings. I am not sure what to do. Is there any advice you could give me? Thank you for your time.
I am using outdoor Mod Podge,Do I have to wait the full 4 weeks cure time to use a spar poly to seal it?
Hi Gary! No, you don’t have to wait the entire 4 weeks to poly it. The cure time is just when it’s at its maximum hardness and is ready to be in the elements. Although if you put it outside before that, you should be fine, unless you live somewhere that the sun blasts the item constantly.
@Amy, Thank you for the quick response!!
I was misled to believe mod Podge was waterproof after complete drying.
I used several coats of gloss on a hand painted bird bath. Also in AZ. What product can go on top of the mod Podge once it is thoroughly dry again that will make it safe to have water in the bird bath? Something that is ok for the birds, will adhere well to the mod Podge gloss finish and protect the piece from getting damaged?
Hello! I wouldn’t use any acrylic product in the birdbath that would come in contact with water. None of it is food safe/okay for the birds. Even if Mod Podge were waterproof, it’s still not food safe. There are special ceramic coatings that are food safe and can be fired . . . that’s what you’d want to use. At this point, your birdbath is just decorative. I wish that you had discovered me before you made it! 🙁 I have a post all about Mod Podge not being waterproof.
I was so excited to find your post about Mod Podge rocks. I want to use a patio block to make an In Memory of marker. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I have been trying to decide how to accomplish this and a friend recommended using Outdoor Mod Podge. After reading and watching various videos, I am assuming I would have to put a protective coat on the stone once I have completed the project. Thank you for any recommendations. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Denise! It depends on if you are decoupaging! You didn’t mention that in your post. If you are simply painting, you don’t need outdoor Mod Podge. You can use outdoor paint and an outdoor spray sealer. If you are adding paper or fabric to the stone, you would use outdoor Mod Podge to attach those pieces.
Hi, I have a large glass globe for a light outdoors that I would like to coat with an amber color. Which mod podge would you recommend? The globe light is outside but under a solid roof gazebo. Thank you in advance 😀
Hi Doris! Since you aren’t decoupaging, you don’t really need to use Mod Podge. I would just use a spray like this: https://www.amazon.com/Krylon-K09053000-Glass-Spray-Paint/dp/B010E25DO6
If you want to use Mod Podge, you can just use regular Gloss.
My outdoor mod podge is very thick and clumpy what can I do with it to thin it out a little?
Hi Leonila! I would try stirring it – you can add a touch of water. If it’s years old, I’d trash and get new. It’s got a storage life of 2 years (it can last longer depending on the climate).
Anyone know if outdoor mod podge would give extra protection to a wood barn quilt? I’ve used quality outdoor latex paint but want to give a little extra. Thanks!
Mod Podge doesn’t work well with latex paint. It can cause it to bubble (other acrylic products can do the same). I would use a latex sealer!
Can I use the outdoor mod pod ge on my concrete candle jars
Yes you can!
I used the dishwasher modgepodge on glasses I put permanent vinyl on but it leaves streaks what should I do or can I use a different modgepodge.
Hi Carol – Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge isn’t meant to be used with vinyl. I wrote about it here: https://modpodgerocksblog.com/dishwasher-safe-mod-podge/
I used to only see the Red and yellow label Mod Podges. I recently seen the others and went “wow”.
I usually put about 3 coats of either the Red or yellow label ones and then spray it with the polyurethane. My projects here in Florida’s weather usually last about 3-4 years outside. Then its time to sand them down and either paint again or revarnish.
Thank you for your in debt explanation of the different types. My projects consist of Fairy, Gnome and critters.
My pleasure! Sounds like you have some fun stuff going on in your yard! 😀
Is this formula non toxic and will it work to coat / seal / make fairly weather resistant the outside of a natural unpainted woven brown basket? It will be kept outdoors under a covered porch for a cat to sleep in. My goal is to coat the exterior (for winter) so their is less air exchange through the basket so the cat will stay warm. Thank you for your time and reply! Linda
Hi Linda! Yes it is nontoxic. But you don’t need Mod Podge since you aren’t decoupaging. I’d honestly just use a weather resistant, non-toxic brush on sealer from Home Depot.
Wanting to mod podge a vinyl fence post with decals. Is that possible?
Mod Podge doesn’t play well with vinyl! You can try it but probably not. I’d use permanent vinyl decals.
How much mod podge would I need to coat a wooden birdhouse such as those you would find at the dollar store?
Just an ounce or two!
Hi, I am using some printed HTV on sometshirts and was wondering which, if any mod podge I could out on the image. I watched a clip where they used the fabric one to stick it down, but inwant to use one as a sealer. I did watch another clip where they used the outdoor as a sealer to cover the HYV image.
Hi Ben! I know a lot of people use Mod Podge with HTV, but it’s not really meant to use with vinyl (it doesn’t play with all plastics well). There are a lot of mixed results and a lot of failures when people do use it, so I just can’t recommend it.
After using the outside mod podge my project doesn’t seem to be drying very well. After 3 days it’s still sticky. I applied a small thin amount with a brush which left brush marks. How can I fix the stickiness in my product
I want to Modpodge clipboards made of Masonite-type material that will be occasionally caught in the rain at scout camp. My thought was to seal it with primer, then base coat with an acrylic exterior paint, then apply my paper-based decoration with Modpodge, let it dry and top coat it with ??? A coat or two of Modpodge or an exterior poly or spar varnish ? Before I ruin 18 clipboards, I figured I’d ask. Thanks!
It´s absurd to buy Mod podge outdoos sealer, and then have to use another sealer to seal the Mod Podge. Not a good product and is always sticky
Mod Podge doesn’t do everything – it’s a decoupage medium. So yes, you have to seal it with a *tougher* waterproof sealer. https://modpodgerocksblog.com/is-mod-podge-waterproof/
Aloha, I used outdoor mod Podge to “glue” a “mosaic” of sea shell pieces onto a flower pot. It worked well and I coated it with outdoor too. I have waited over a month and it is still tacky maybe cause is our humidity or because it is so thick and so I wonder if it will ever dry completely. Can I put either spar or acrylic poly over it? Thank you and I would like to send a picture of it.
Will outdoor mod podge withstand very cold temperatures? I want to make an outdoor winter craft. It will be dry and out of the sun. I live in Wisconsin.
It should! If you are worried, use a tougher outdoor clear coat. It’s pretty good but if the weather is particularly brutal it can only do so much.
I am thinking about decorating some cardboard boxes to make outdoor christmas decorations, would this outdoor mod podge be suitable to withstand a month of weather???? can I use it on cardboard???? once christmas is over I will probably recycle the boxes, so it does not have to last forever