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Make Confetti Candle Holders on the Cheap

Are you ready to party?? Decorate simple glass candle holders with inexpensive confetti. Perfect for a celebration or just fun home decor! Easy, too.

Make Confetti Candle Holders on the Cheap

I love confetti – all shapes, sizes, and patterns. In fact I kind of hoard it. It was about time to do two things . . . use up some confetti, and do a candle holders craft. I wanted one specifically for parties, specifically because it’s summer and we have a lot of shindigs planned.

The reason for the candle holders portion of the crafting program is because I already had some on hand that I had purchased for $.99 each (I think from the dollar store? I’m pretty sure it was Dollar Tree).

Basically it was one of those times when I rooted through my stash, found a few things, and put them together. You know how that works!

Sometimes those types of projects are a fail, but in this case, you really can’t lose. The supplies are so simple and inexpensive – you can decorate candle holders like this for any celebration, holiday, etc. No fancy decoupage skills required! Here’s how I made them.

Decorate Candle Holders

Gather These Supplies

  • Glass votives, any size, from Dollar Tree
  • Mod Podge Gloss
  • Confetti – any colors and shapes
  • Paintbrush
  • Candles
Clear glass votives from the Dollar store

Wash and dry your votives before beginning. I do this with any glass that I am decoupaging.

buttercream olivia confetti sticks

Select your confetti. This confetti was purchased from the dollar bins at Jo-Ann stores. I loved the color combinations!

Mod Podging on a glass votive with a brush

Get your confetti and a votive ready. Spread some Mod Podge down on the glass (a medium layer) . . .

Adding confetti to a glass votive with Mod Podge

. . . then sprinkle some confetti over the top. Repeat all the way around the candle holder, then let dry for about 10 minutes or so.

You don’t want to apply your second layer until the first one is (mostly) dry or you’ll just be brushing confetti around and not really doing anything.

Mod Podge on top of confetti on a glass candle holder

This is what the second layer looked like. I applied more confetti, let dry a little, then added Mod Podge over the top so it wouldn’t fall off.

Sprinkled confetti on glass candle holders

Do this with all of your votives.

And remember with confetti, it doesn’t have to be “perfect.” There’s no perfect with confetti – it’s crazy and unpredictable, and that’s what we love about it, right?

Decorate candle holders with confetti and Mod Podge

Confetti doesn’t obey the rules, and neither do we, right?

When you’re done with your votives, let them completely dry and trim the bottoms if you have to (with scissors). Make a ton – they’re fun and easy!

If you love confetti crafts, we’ve done a ton here that you should check out, like party cups, envelopes, goodie bags, plates, balloons, coasters, shoes, glass bottles, a champagne bottle, and even a pineapple!

For more unique candle holder projects, check out the following ideas here on the blog: