These DIY confetti shoes are so fun! They are perfect for back to school, game days, or any other time you feel saucy or want to celebrate!

DIY Confetti Dipped Shoes

Hey guys – Jessica here from The Confetti Bar, the coolest confetti shop on the block, where we believe happiness should be celebrated!

Since it’s my mission in life to confetti #allthethings, I’m so excited to be sharing this super colorful, super fun (and super easy!) DIY confetti project with you. After all, what better way to use confetti than wear it? 😉 Imagine sporting this cool party craft at your next celebration.

Everyone will be wondering where you got your shoes. Trust me on this one.

Bowl of confetti, white shoes, Mod Podge Fabric, and a foam brush

DIY Confetti Shoes


  • A pair of plain white shoes (or feel free to get crazy here and use any shoes you’d like!)
  • Confetti!
  • Sponge brush
  • Fabric Mod Podge
Mod Podge applied to the toe of a white shoe
Applying confetti to shoes with Mod Podge

You’ll want to start by painting a decent layer of Fabric Mod Podge on all the areas you want to confetti-fy your shoes. The thicker the layer of Mod Podge, the better your confetti will stick in there.

Colorful confetti pressed onto the toe of a white shoe

Once you cover a section in Mod Podge, press some confetti onto the area. Gently tap off the excess. Once your first coat of confetti is complete, let dry for a couple of hours, or until the Mod Podge has set.

Coat of Mod Podge brushed over the top of the confetti

Go in for a second coat by adding another layer of Mod Podge and pressing more confetti onto the shoe.

DIY Confetti Shoes

Let dry overnight and ta-da — you now have the most fun footwear EVER.

Woman wearing confetti shoes
White shoes with colorful confetti covering the toes
Woman's legs sticking up in the air wearing confetti shoes
Woman wearing white tennis shoes covered in colorful confetti
Crazy shoe day ideas


So tell me — what are your favorite colors for a confetti mix that can be used to jazz up your shoes? Don’t forget we have tons of pre-made options in our shop, but if you want something extra cool we also specialize in custom confetti!

If you enjoyed these colorful confetti shoes, I’d love for you to visit these other blog posts:

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