Learn how to decoupage a wall with any design and Mod Podge! It’s way easier than you think – get great tips for success here.

You’ve seen those fancy wall decals in cool shapes – I like those too. But sometimes they aren’t as colorful as I’m looking for. I love the patchwork look, and it’s perfect for home decor . . . and you can get it with Mod Podge.
This tree was created with it and paper, and I love how colorful it is. I love it in a nursery, but depending on the papers you use, it could work in a lot of rooms. Visit the tutorial below to learn how easy (and budget friendly) it is to get a tree of your very own.
How to make a decoupage tree at Project Nursery
I absolutely love your blog! But…mod podge & I are struggling in our relationship 😉 my projects just aren’t drying. The tackiness stayed on my fabric that was supposed to end up as beautiful earrings, my paper covered Ikea mirrors stuck together after being dry for months. What am I missing???? Someone please help this girl who loves working with her hands!
Hello- I have an idea but I don’t know how to execute it, which is why I was drawn to this page. My idea: copy or xerox the visa stamps in our passports ( the full open page), enlarged. Then somehow adhere the sheets on to the wall , totally cover the wall, maybe the whole room. I don’t know where to get enlarged copies ( staples or Kinkos, maybe but the service isn’t personal). Would a thin paper would be best? With Satin ModPodge? The passport pages are blue. The wall is white. That will probably work. If I do one wall and it’s enough, the other walls can be painted the same blue.
Would you give it a try with an enlarged to the max page from a passport? Thank you!
Kinkos is the best place to get the printouts done. Medium weight paper would work best more than likely, and Satin Mod Podge. This is a big project that requires some expertise. I recommend joining the Facebook group and asking for tips! Lots of people have Mod Podged walls. I never have. I have Mod Podged big surfaces but never a wall 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftywithmodpodge/
I just painted my kitchen walls and want to decorate it with small shiny star shapes. I am wondering if I could pour Mod Podge into a painters tray, and drop in the star shape glitter into it could I just roll it on just like I would as if I were painting. Would this work?