There are a lot of recipes on the internet for how to make homemade Mod Podge – here are all of the good reasons NOT to do it yourself.

I get a lot of questions about how to make Mod Podge, and I’ve seen a lot of it on Pinterest recently, so I wanted to address with a blog post. Interestingly enough, I have been asked these questions for years.
Homemade Mod Podge
I should start by saying this is not a paid endorsement – no person or company asked me to post this, or even knows I’m doing it.
I don’t make money off the sale of Mod Podge. And while my blog might be all about Mod Podge, I get visitors using all types of decoupage mediums.
I just don’t want you to be disappointed. Because in my experience, you should NOT make your own Mod Podge.
The truth is, I’ve gotten MANY e-mails from people (with pictures) who tried to make Mod Podge. These emails ask me why their photo/furniture/gift project is yellowing/flaking/peeling and what they can do.
With further prompting, I find out that they made a glue concoction on their own by adding water to flour, or something along those lines.
Mod Podge is a step above craft glue in terms of the sealing properties. Mod Podge is glue, but it’s also a sealer – and there are varnishes, etc. in the formula that don’t exist in craft glues.
The bonding properties of Mod Podge are way stronger than that of (most) craft or school glues.
Can you use Elmer’s glue instead of Mod Podge?
I get asked this question a lot too. Long story short, the ingredients in Mod Podge are not the same as craft glue, and in 99% of cases are superior. That is why Mod Podge costs more than craft glue.
And that is why it lasts longer and is more durable on projects.
A lot of the homemade recipes take craft glue and dilute it with water, which is just about the worst thing you can do to make a decoupage medium of any sort.
You’re taking a glue that is inferior to decoupage medium and made it even thinner by adding water.
This is why I receive pictures all the time of ruined furniture or home decor items that didn’t last more than a few years before the paper started peeling off or yellowing BADLY.
In the short term, the projects might seem okay, but over the years, the projects go down the toilet. And then I get very sad emails.
Decoupage medium is more expensive than glue, but you’ll notice on the glue aisle of any craft store that there is a wide range of pricing depending on what the specific glue does. The more specialty the application, the more it’s going to cost.
Mod Podge might be more expensive than glue and water, but the 8 oz. bottle lasts a long time, and you can always use a 40% coupon (do an online search to find them).
Of course I think it’s worth it – but I also have the proof: jewelry, home decor items and furniture that have been around for years and still look as great as the day they were made.
What can be used instead of Mod Podge?
If you aren’t sure where to get Mod Podge, I have a list here. For international distributors, go here.
If you just can’t find Mod Podge where you live, look for PVA glue. It’s about the closest you can get. Frequently craft and art stores have PVA glue, but you may have to call around.
I hope my information here helps. And I hope that if you want the project to last, you won’t take the risk and make Mod Podge – that you’ll use the real thing!
If you’re a newbie or can’t figure out how to get rid of wrinkles, check out my learn-how article and videos. You can also learn about ALL the decoupage formulas in my formula guide.
Hi, Amy! It doesn’t surprise me that there are recipes for homemade mod podge (no capitals for that), but I wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to buy real Mod Podge for Any project where it’s needed. I wouldn’t compromise my hard work with something inferior. Great post!
Thanks Amy for this important post! I know there are homemade mod podge recipes all around & i was happy that now i can enjoy mod podge(homemade) in PK but thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts & others experiences with us!
All the best 🙂
I’ve taken doll making classes where the teacher has us make our decoupage & it is so messy & does not dry well or flakes or just is nasty! So now whenever I take a class & I see certain ingredients, I always reach for my ModPodge. Why treat your art like it is cheap!
Thanks for addressing this! I’ve also seen the homemade version but didn’t want to try it before I knew if it actually worked.
Thank you Amy!! I love Pinterest but those home made concoctions on there were really disturbing me. Why anyone would try to make their own when you know who(s) has 40% off at least every other week is beyond me. But it is NOT that expensive because it goes a looong way! I have used Modge Podge since the 70’s, yes I’m an old crafter, and there is a REASON it’s been around for such a long time people! I am so glad you cleared this up, now to retweet & pin this so others can see!
My experience has not always been what you have described. I started decoupaging long before they had mod podge and we used watered down glue. I have had things that have lasted for years without any problems. I guess I have been lucky. I’m not against mod podge, I use it often. I prefer the finish of MP but if I run out of it I have no problem grabbing the glue.
I would never try to make my own – why would I want to go to all that mess and fuss when I can just buy the stuff that works the best? So I’ll stick to buying Mod Podge with my 40% off coupons. I’ll also stick to calling it Modge Podge. I don’t know why.
@Anne, LMAO..🤣 have a super day 🌞
@Anne, I call it this too! You just can’t help it! 😆😆
Hi Amy, I have used MP for many, many years, it is top of the line, there are no substitutes. Period. I also really love sparkle MP, that stuff is amazing and smells really good, not that I’m a glue sniffer or anything. 🙂
I am SO glad you posted this! I’ve thought about trying to make a Mod Podge substitute, but have never done it and now I won’t! One less project to tackle. Thank you!
Mod Podge rocks!! I really am not interested in trying to make my own, because I figured the quality wouldn’t compare so thanks for the info. And you never have to pay full price for it, since there are coupons available almost every week for 40% off…
I kinda thought it had something to do with the sealer, but wasn’t sure. After experimenting with white glue, fabric stiffener & Mod Podge, it’s just better to use each product for what it’s made for, imho.
And you’re right, Mod Podge lasts a long time, so the value is incredible.
Amy, I am really glad you posted them. I saw the recipe and went for it. Something just did not feel right and I went back to my mod podge. It would kill me to think that something I put time in and sold did not pass the test of time!
This is totally true. I tried to water down glue because I read it was the same thing. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Luckily any time I used it, I could fix it by either peeling it off and redoing it, or painting over it.
Thanks for posting this! I was skeptical about those homemade ones anyway!
I wish I had read this post before I decided to make my own. I now a large batch of watery-glue that hasn’t managed to actually make anything stick. I can’t stand the thought of just throwing it away (since I actually have some $$$ invested into it), so for now it has been condemned to a dark corner under the kitchen sink. The Mod Podge has taken back it’s rightfully spot in the craft box.
@Miss Tori’s Treasures, perhaps if you added more glue and maybe some flower or something you could make a homemade clay? Try finding a recipe for that I agree it would be an awful waste. Good luck honey🤞
Thank you for this info. I was looking for something because I had posted a Mod Podge project on my blog and my UK friends all want to know about Mod Podge, I guess they can’t get it over there. I don’t know what to tell them, I don’t know if there is a product that is the same for sale where they are (and apparently shipping to them must be very expensive). But after I ran across your article I decided against suggesting the home made versions. 🙁
@Susie, I live in the UK and Modge Podge is avalable in a lot of craft stores , although I have yet to find the photo-transfer version. It is definitely in a class of its own. I wouldn’t compromise all my hard work on a craft project by using an inferior glue.
Preach Amy! hehe, it’s Mod Podge for me too!
Thanks for sharing! I’ve seen this on pinterest and wondered if it could be true. Thanks for shedding light on the subject. But I don’t think anything could ever replace my ooey gooey trusty mod podge!
PS. Can you talk to someone about making the big jars come with the same kind of pop top as the little ones? So much neater! 🙂
Remember In School When You Used White Glue To Coat Your Paper Mache Ideas And As Soon As It Got Wet It Got All Mushy And Sticky………….That’s Why Mod Podge Is The Way To Go.
Most glues are acidic that’s why they can yellow and eventually “eat” away the paper. I use decoupage glue for most of my craft & art projects. I even used it to glue plastic bottle caps in my latest project!
Thanks for this blog. I was just googling how to make my own Mod Podge since I can’t find it in any craft stores in Australia, when I came across your warning blog. I think I’ll try and find an alternative. If anyone can help me with what I might find in Australia that would be similar, please help. Thanks.
Hi 🙂
Not sure where you’re from in Aus but i know Mod Podge is sold in Riot Art & Craft stores.
I have to say, Finding Modge Podge in Thailand is like finding flying pigs. it just doesn’t exist. It would be nice to have it to use in my classroom (I’m an art teacher) but the expense of getting it shipped from the states makes it too expensive to consider. It would be great if this product was available on the international market.
@Shastar, Check this:
I know that Birch carries Mod Podge, not sure if they could ship it to you?
@JeKaren, this list could help you as well:
If these lists don’t help you, please contact Plaid:
They will respond quickly!
Thanks so much. Since posting my comment, I have found Mod Podge in Spotlight stores here in Australia and have been using it to add graphics to my Shabby Chic restoration projects. Check out some of them on my blog! I LOVE MOD PODGE and it does indeed ROCK!! Thanks for posting this.
So true, I have been experimenting with the homemade versions, but this makes a lot of sense to me, I’m glad I read it before taking on pricier projects like homemade signs!!
I love Mod Podge and have used it a lot. I completely decoupaged a plain fake-walnut looking particleboard cabinet in a vintage rose giftwrap (now no longer being manufactured, boo hoo), and am currently scattering Victorian scraps over it. Believe me, I have used tons of Mod Podge to do this. At least two quart size jars so far! But when I ran out I used Durwin Rice’s formula of wallpaper paste mixed with Elmer’s white glue. It seemed to work well and I can’t tell the difference where I used it. With all the time and money invested in this, I hope it holds up! I plan to seal it with Varathane acrylic floor finish. I have more Mod Podge now to finish my scraps with because it seems to be easier to work with.
Can get any more supplies in Ireland. Any craft shops are now only selling a Decopatch range instead. All say they can’t get supplies any more. HELP!!!
I totally agree! I have seen the recipe flying around Pinterest and have never pinned it because it seems a bit sacrilege to me. I a true Mod Podge girl- why reinvent the wheel?
I have made the glue/water ‘ModPodge’ before and used it. I have never had problems yellowing or anything like that and I feel it works just fine.
Ok, well I have never heard of MOD PODGE and have pinned the make your own kind on pinterest BUT I found this and am now SUPER hesitant about trying it. I know the local craft store that has the 40% off coupons as we just got one of those stores 2 months ago LOL, I will definitely try out the real stuff and hoping the price is good, everyone says it is 🙂
What about the recipes that include flour and warm water? I love Mod Podge too, but I was just wondering about that type of recipe. I tried it once with a dictionary page collage and it seemed to work fine and is still holding up. it is just way more trouble to make it, it smells weird, and gets moldy after a few days. it just didn’t seem worth it to me when you can get this product that lasts 40 times longer!! 🙂
Hi Mrs. Edwards! I would agree. The flour and warm water is just flour, so no glue and sealing properties. I just wouldn’t go to the trouble when you can get a jar that lasts a long time, and you can get 40% off coupons all the time to the major craft stores. That makes it just a few bucks, which is what people spend on a latte.
Followed this post from a comment on another thread with DIY glue recipes/recommendations. TY for the warnings! Yes, it’s not worth losing a nice piece of art you’ve created to save a $1 or 2. Sometimes, DIY is NOT the way to go.
I have to weigh in on this one…Modge is great for paper projects, however for fabric, the watered down glue is fine. I used white school glue diluted slightly with water to adhere fabric cutouts to glass mason jars that are used as candle holders. I soaked the fabric cutouts in the glue/water mix, put them on the jars, used an rag to wipe of excess. When dry I sealed with an acrylic sealer as they also had been painted with craft paint. This was in 1998! They are still in perfect condition, no yellowing, the cut outs have not come loose.
Lisa, while you may have had success, several of the destroyed projects I have seen have used fabric. I absolutely stand by what I said and do not recommend it – especially for wear and tear items like furniture. There’s no reason to take the chance when a bottle of Mod Podge is not that expensive.
I am new to decoupaging. I’ve been considering elmers glue. I’m so glad I found this cause I’d hate to spend the time and than not have
it last. Thanks!
@Amy Anderson, Expect IT IS “that expensive” when you don’t live on the North American continent…
I think the problems may arise when there is no sealer applied. I can’t see what it would hurt to use the glue/water IF you were going to cover it with sealer. After all, if you are sealing it, the mod podge or glue mixture is just attaching it to the surface. Also, as far as the flour is concerned in one recipe, flour DOES have glue like properties. I have read where they used to use flour and water as a glue in the past to glue plates together when they break. (Maybe in the “old days”) Also, I think glue from 20 years ago was much better. I made a wooden tray a long time ago before I knew what mod podge was. I used Elmer’s Glue (full strength) and brushed several layers over my pictures, cut out from a calendar. It is still beautiful today. But some projects I made recently with Elmer’s Glue have already started peeling off the surfaces they were attached to. I still love mod podge, and will use it, but I just wanted to share my thoughts…
Jan Jones
I personally find the taste of Mod Podge to be much more appealing than watered down glue. Mod Podge just has that glue-y pastey flavor that you just can’t beat. I always grab the MP when I need a quick snack. 🙂 xoxo
Bahaha! You nut 🙂
Amen to the fact that MP last forever! Sure it’s a little buggery at the end of the bottle, just pick all that jazz out…
My mod podge stash which I got from the US thro a friend(I live in India) is almost done and I was tempted to try the home made version! Now to wait for someone else to go to the US..
I’m in the exact same predicament. I live in Bolivia and can’t get modge podge :o( Was thinking about making my own until I ran across this post. Guess I will have to put that on my wish list for a care package or a friend to bring back from U.S.
I make my own modge podge with flour, sugar, and water. I wallpapered my office with brown paper bags, and it looks great!
Isn’t that called “paper mache”? Just did this with my high school art class (except used salt so it wouldn’t mildew).
I just opened my modge podge and it looks like a big ball of dough. What can I do to thin it out again?
Hi Crystal! How old is it? All acrylic products (and Mod Podge is acrylic) have a shelf life. You should throw out and buy new.
Hi Amy,
I’m so glad I found this blog entry. I am getting ready to breathe new life into an old file cabinet. This will be the first project of its kind for me. So….In doing some ‘research’ on mod podge, decoupage, hodge podge (lol) I came across your website. Great site! Useful information for a newbie ‘podger’ like me!
PS Sock monkeys rock!
Great post! I just Googled “diy mod podge” (I’m running low and remember seeing a diy in passing) and your post popped up. This is good, straight to the point info. I’m going to go out and buy the real stuff. Thank you!
I love modpodge when I can get it . I live in Australia and can’t get all the types of modpodge you show . In frustration I have tried others but Very disappointed. Would love to find it here please help ☹️
I have some older mod podge and wondering if I can add a little water to it because it is so thick I can’t spread it?
Yes Yvette! You can try that. If it smells bad I would dispose of it though.
I’ve seen this in craft stores, but never used it. I am interested in getting more information on this.
As with most things in life, sweetie you get what you pay for. Unless you can come up with an exact duplicate. That means, rather it be mod podge or a brilliant gem stone. Some things arent meant to be imitated. Great coverage of the product my friend. I would hate to waste all my hours spent on a project, just to have a few bucks ruin it for me. My side of this story.
Is Mod Podge wheat free?
According to this, yes:
I know it’s older but the formula hasn’t changed significantly.
What mod podge is best to use with stencils? I have a welcome and merry exams stencils for wood and want to use mod podge prior to my paint.
Use a Mod Podge with the same sheen as your paint! Gloss for regular acrylic paint, matte for matte, and some of the multisurface paints are satin. Any one of those formula.
I used to use mod podge decoupaging Christmas ornaments. They always came out beautiful. However, I never discovered a way to store them – the next year they’d be all tacky in the storage bins, and anything touching them would stick enough to cause damage. Like it melted or something. I stopped making them, it was too much work for only one season. I try not to think about the ones I sold before I knew. Needless to say, I’m not sold on mod podge!
It’s not for everyone! But there are options:
Hi, do you have a list of what each type of MP is used with. I plan my on trying one to seal an acrylic painting and I’d like to use one to seal broken glass. Resin is so expensive. Also, I was told to dilute MP with water. Is this recommended?
Hi! I have a list here:
Mod Podge won’t be good to seal broken glass. You should use resin. And no, I wouldn’t dilute MP. If you wet your brush and shake the jar, that should be good enough.
I recently bought a box of mod podge samples 5 different ones to try !
So looking forward to deciding which one is best !!
No offense, but I graduated magna cum laude with my B.S. in Chemistry from University of Washington and I promise you, “Elmer’s Glue” is also a “PVA” glue. There are numerous formulations and brands of PVA glue actually… Being as I am also an avid artist, I fully agree that Elmer’s and Mod Podge do NOT function the same when used for decoupage. I simply wish to caution you that, for instance, the local stores where I live (Sitka, Alaska) do not carry Mod Podge, but they carry Elmer’s and other PVA glues. If I followed your instructions in the article above, I would be asking for a “PVA glue” and those poor substitutes for Mod Podge would be what I’d be going home with to be disappointed by, inevitable. Perhaps, if you love LOVE Mod Podge as you say, you ought just be suggesting that if it isn’t available locally to folks- they need to order in online or if that isn’t comfortable for them, perhaps inquiring to see if their local retailers might special order it for them? Hope someone finds this helpful. I’m just saying, there are as many different PVA glues as there are music videos on YouTube and in my vast experience, only one of those is suitable for decoupage and that is Mod Podge. 🙂
Did Mod Podge stop making the pearly type? I really liked that but I can’t find it.
Hola. Cómo estás? Disculpa que escriba en español pero mi inglés es muy malo.
Me mudé de país y no consigo los mismos materiales que en mi país. Acá donde estoy ahora he visto mucho este pegamento. Yo hacía agendas o diarios y para hacer el pegado del cartón con otro material usaba un pegamento bastante fuerte para que estás agendas durarán en el tiempo. Cual de los tipos de este pegamento me recomiendas usar? Muchas gracias de antemano por tu respuesta 🙂
This was very helpful. I learned a lot. And I am gonna try making the personalized coaster. I look forward to your posts. Thank you
So what does the PVA glues do? How do you use it instead of modge podge?
Thank you