I really want a Mod Podge car! This cool car looks like it’s covered in fabric and decoupage medium. Would you ever do this to car?

Okay, so I don’t know if this is really a Mod Podge automobile – but it looks like it. It definitely could be. I spotted it on Gypsy Purple, and I’m wondering how I can get my hands on it.
For those who don’t know, Jan Wetstone, the original creator of Mod Podge in 1967, decoupaged a car with sheets back in the day. She Mod Podged on a Volkswagen Beetle, just like the Gypsy Purple car!
During the Mod Podge 45th anniversary in 2012, I got a chance to speak with Jan and ask her about the car. I was so curious how it lasted and she said her son drove it for many years!
I just thought that was so cool – and here’s a picture of the car that Jan did with the sheets:
Someday I’m going to own a car like this. It may not be a Beetle, but I’m going to purchase something fun on the cheap and then add vintage sheets or fabric.
And that’s the outside.
I’ve been asked several times about Mod Podging the inside of a car. To be honest – I just don’t recommend it, even though I know people do it and they do it successfully. The problem is that a lot of the materials inside a car aren’t meant to work with acrylic mediums.
They are typically plastic, coated wood, or some other resin material where decoupage medium will just peel off. If you can get it to work and don’t mind it potentially not working, then go for it. And please post your success stories below!
I just can’t personally recommend it because every car is essentially different. BUT, if you try it – #respect.
Now, the biggest thing I’ve ever Mod Podged is a bookcase. So I ask you: what is the largest item you’ve ever Mod Podged? And would you drive a Mod Podge car??
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This is way cool!! TFS and I want it too 🙂
I have never Mod Podged anything bigger than a book.. this car is awesome.
Wao..i wish i can gift you any car like this!!
well what do you think isn’t it seems like Pakistani Truck Art..?Yay..
colorful as that but its Mod Podge & Truck art is color painted creativity 🙂
well thanks for sharing this cute car with us!!
a big, old highboy dresser. and yes: with fabric. cool beans.
Wow, that is sooooo cool! It looks like they used fabric. The biggest thing I’ve done is a chair, I’d like to do a headboard though~
The biggest thing I’ve ever done were a pair of crutches. It wasn’t a lot of surface area but they were tall and clunky.
I would love to win me some Mod Podge 😉
What!!!!!????? That is the best! It actually looks like it’s upholstered or something… Awesome!
Love love love the car! Now I want to do it to mine! lol I’m a fairly recent Mod Podgeaholic!
I have a soft spot for vintage VW’s anyway…then Mod Podged with fabric? MY heart be still!!
I would love it if it were more uniform in scheme. But otherwise it’s pretty cool!
If I had three wishes I would wish one of these for you….(now where did I put my genie bottle)…this is just to fun….and would so love to do this to my car….(what would my Mustang look like)..the largest thing I’ve Mod Podge is an mini album….kindled lame huh….thanks for sharing this in-creatable creations…
I just might need to do this. I have a ’97 4 runner that is sorley in discoloration on the hood and roof. It’s trickling down to the car. She is in great shape otherwise. But the paint makes me feel sad when i get in to drive her. A bit of color and a tank of mod podge… sounds perfectly colorful.
thanks for sharing!!!
Have you finally done?!! Because I wanna do the same thing!
LOVE the car! The biggest thing I have mod podged is a card table, and it turned out great.
Awesome! It reminds me of the cars I’ve seen in the “Art Car Museum” in Houston! Very cool! ~~Robyne~~
That should stop traffic! Hmmm, everything I’ve ever mod podged is usually smaller than a bread box.
LOVE the CAR! You always find the coolest things. lol. The biggest thing I’ve ever mod podged is wooden letters….lots of them.
I want that car!!! It’s totally Woodstock!!! How cool!!!! I am inspired!!!
I mod podged my girls closet doors with contact paper from the Dollar Tree. It’s white with black roses. I did it to match the Paris theme in their room, black and pink and white. They came out nice and are a big wow factor in there. I did use all of my mod podge though 🙁
I would love to Mod Podge my camper … this is adorable!
OK… Now I want to mod podge my van just like that, The largest thing I’ver ever mod podged was a jewelry box for my sister.
I love this….such 60’s flare and on a bug even. Love it, love it! I think the biggest thing I have ever podged was a childs table top. Remember strawberyy shortcake? Yep she had the whole design going on (my daughter that is). bedding, curtains and an extra pillow case podged to the top of her child sized play table. It was fun.
Love this x 100000 !! Iwant this car 😉 Or at least I want to know how to make it! 🙂
While in Israel and Egypt, we saw a lot of cars decorated like this, can’t remember why, but, it’s a part of their culture.
Mod Podged a couple of tables. One with maps of Long Island (my hometown), and the other with maps and newspaper on the legs…both awesome! Too bad we can’t post pics 🙁
I absolutely adore this car! I have an old GMC truck that I want to fix up and make it look just a little more girly, and I think this would be perfect to do. Does anyone know how to do this or a website for this? 🙂
I’m getting ready to do this exact thing I’ve already started the testing stage, modge podged the hood with a few small sections to see how it hoods up to the heating and cooling daily. I am actually incorporating several DIY concepts into one, heat transfers for fabric, as well as fabric pens and paint, I draw for well, I would say for a living but when you draw anime it because you love it, not because you get rich, modpod for the transfer, and I used a non-yellowing polyurethane to clear coat the ink and protect from UV to prevent fading. The last part was done before i realized that modpod expanded the product line. I grew up with a super crafty “Bob ross-Martha stewart-Julia child-Bob villa-super crafter” mom. she was always starting a new something, going into a new business or something, no matter what she was doing, she always had this stuff around. i remember once i was eating dinner and i grabbed this white and blue bottle, thinking was the mayonnaise jar, and got to bite into a very awful tasting modpod BLT, anyway, any tips or tricks would be great, as I move into the full project this summer I’ll post and send pictures. thanks in advance.
I wish I had tips or tricks for you but I have never done a car! I really would like to one day. I’m excited to see the results – thank you for sharing!!
I mod podged maps (from National Geographic) onto the drawer fronts of a tall five drawer dresser, then added globe drawer pulls. I love it!
That sounds super cute!!
Reminds me of the fabrics from the sixties with the patchwork style. I don’t think I would do it unless it was a calm design or something that had a subtle look. Nothing bold for sure. So glad I could comment my opinion.