What are my essential decoupage supplies? Learn all about them in this information post! Get my first and second-tier recommended tools for Mod Podging.
Don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom of the post for a video of the tools in action!

Let’s talk decoupage supplies! I frequently get asked what I use to Mod Podge – my essential decoupage supplies and tools that I always have on hand. It’s time to fully answer the question with a blog post!
I’ve broken this post into two categories: “these are absolute essentials” and then “these are essentials to me but could also be argued to not truly be essentials so I’m putting them in a second category.” 😀
I’m also going to provide a disclaimer because you are probably thinking I get all of these stuff for free, so of course they are all my essentials. Well, you are only partially correct. I do get Mod Podge for free when I ask for it from Plaid – but 95% of the time I buy my own Mod Podge and tools.
I do that with most of craft supplies. I could probably get a lot more for free than I do, but I used to work in marketing and understand that marketing people have more important things to do than send me a pack of brushes here and there.
Plus then I’d have to wait for the delivery, and I have no patience. So honestly, it’s just easier to purchase what I need on my regular (weekly) trips to the craft store. I guess I’m just lazy?
Decoupage Tools
Let’s start with the first category of decoupage supplies. I have five items in my essentials – and if you are going to try Mod Podging, I honestly believe you will thank me for purchasing these items. THEY WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER. I promise!
Quality Brushes
I’ve spent enough time with bad brushes in my life that I’m now an advocate of good brushes. Invest in some good quality brushes like these or these and then take care of them.
You can use artist quality brushes, but craft brushes have done well for me with care. Don’t leave them sitting in water, wash them and dry them regularly, and you’ll be happy with the results.
Silicone Mat
The silicone mat is one of the items I did initially get for free and then I bought four more. I’m not even kidding you. I have two pink and three of the white! And to think that when I first received it, I thought “I don’t now if I’m going to use it that much.”
But I gave it a try. It is crafting gold, people! It’s a completely non-stick surface that can be washed/reused and will protect your table top. Acrylic paint comes off too. YOU NEED ONE.
Brayer and Squeegee
I use my brayer and squeegee all the time. Like daily. Smoothing paper with my little sausages doesn’t work as well as putting even pressure on a brayer . . . and the squeegee gets into corners.
You’ll think to yourself “why have I been smoothing with sausages my whole life and why didn’t I buy these sooner?” Trust me.
Sharp Scissors
I cut a LOT of paper and fabric, as you can imagine. I like having a nice pair of Fiskars scissors. I’ve used this brand since I was little so I’m partial to it. I have one pair for fabric and one pair for paper.
What can I say? My mom taught me well. If you touched her scissors when I was growing up . . . well, you just didn’t touch them!
Water Basin
You think you’ll be fine with a tupperware container or regular bowl until you try the brush basin. It’s got some awesome features like grooves at the bottom of one part that let you rake your brush along them for cleaning.
You can also soak your brushes in the receptacles on the other side, and after you clean them stick the brushes in the holes on the side to try. I’ve had the same brush basin for years and I love it.
Now that you’ve seen my top five decoupage supplies, let’s move onto some other goodies! These are essentials for me . . . . but you don’t necessarily need them to start Mod Podge.
However – I highly recommend accumulating these as you continue your Podging journey, because they are awesome tools. Here’s why I love them, and you can use that information to decide which ones go on your Christmas list.
Small Brush Applicator
This small brush applicator is difficult to explain until you try it. The bristles are very fine, which helps reduce eliminate brushstrokes. The brush puts more Mod Podge on a surface than a standard brush – dispersing it evenly.
It’s also very easy to hold. You’ve really got to try it! I particularly love using the small brush applicator for canvas or wood plaques. If you do a lot of small tabletop projects like I do, this brush is awesome!
Large Brush Applicator
The large brush applicator is the wild older brother of the small applicator. Okay, it’s not that wild, but it’s perfect for large surfaces including furniture.
It significantly cuts the time for Mod Podge application, which is crucial when you are trying to get something glued down and your decoupage medium is curing quickly.
Small Spouncers
I use spouncers not so much for decoupage, but for painting I do along with decoupage! Glass paint goes on very well with these bad boys.
Detail Brushes
Sometimes you need to get Mod Podge in small areas – that’s where the detail brushes come in. I feel like I do this more during the holidays and for making gifts, especially things like jewelry. You can use them with paint too, so that’s nice. If you need a small brush, these are awesome!
Sanding in the morning, sanding in the evening, sanding at suppertime. I’m always either 1) sanding or 2) asking where the sandpaper is! I buy a value pack with different sizes so I always have what I need.
And the main reason for having this is because I do a lot of wood decoupage and those surfaces never come completely smooth. OR because I accidentally clump some Mod Podge somewhere and I want to get rid of it. OR because I’m distressing. You get the drift.
So those are my essential decoupage supplies! Which ones have you tried, and which ones are your favorites? I’d love to hear anything I’ve missed in the comments!
And now for the video I promised you. Learn how to use the tools by pressing “PLAY” in the center of the video in this post!
Always lots of good and handy info….thanks
Hi Amy yes the spouncers and brushes are my go to supplies forsure. Now that I know the silicone matt is awesome, I shall start using mine. Thanks for yet another great post!
Thank you Shelley! You are going to love that mat for sure! Enjoy!
I’ve been using sponge brushes this whole time. For Mod Podging everything. Should I be trying the applicator brushes instead? Or are they better for specific projects?
Hi Stacy! To a certain extent it’s a personal preference of the crafter. I just happen to like the flat brushes as opposed to foam because I feel like the Mod Podge goes on smoother and I can get less brush strokes. I also use my brushes for both paint and Mod Podge and I definitely like the flat brushes better for paint! I’d at least encourage you to try the flat brushes at some point and see what you think 😀
How do you get free supplies from plaid I want to do some crafts for a charity event but with being on disability can’t afford to but new tools
Hi there! If you have a charity event, please contact Plaid here: https://plaidonline.com/about/contact
I don’t know their current donation policy so you’ll have to contact them to find out! Thank you for reading!
I am making a board to remember family anniversary’s and Birthdays…. need the word REMEMBER, written fancy!!
Hi Francine! I’d go on Etsy. There are many people who do cut words out of scrapbook paper or vinyl in just about every font. You’ll find what you need!
Hi there,
I’ve done a stencil design on a wooden box. The acrylic paint is covering much of it, but there are large areas of untreated wood. Before I decoupage should I do anything with the untreated wood?
Many thanks
Wher can you purchase the kit.
@Janet Collier, are you referring to the little zipper pouch kit? Unfortunately those aren’t available anymore but sometimes you can find them on eBay!
I am very excited to get started with some of my projects. I got to go check out the mod podge tools. My Grandma and Mama always said if you are going to do something do it to the best of your ability. I love giving people personalized gifts. And I am looking forward to doing it. With your help. 5hank you