Mod Podge Rocks 

Make a Cell Phone Holder from a Lotion Bottle

Not sure where to put your phone while it’s charging? Make a cell phone holder from a lotion bottle using Mod Podge, and keep it near the plug.


Lotion bottle Mod Podge Gloss Fabric Box cutter or kitchen scissors Sandpaper White spray primer (optional)


Trace the shape of the holder on the top half of the bottle with a pen.  Cut off the top of the bottom using a box cutter or kitchen scissors. Smooth the rough edges with sandpaper.

Turn the holder to the front and apply a medium layer of Mod Podge with the brush. Place the fabric on top, centering, and smooth down.

Apply more Mod Podge around the side of the bottle and continue to lay the fabric down right against it, pulling tightly as you wrap.

It’s really cute, and coordinates smashingly with her white iPhone.

Swipe up to learn more about this project!