Place the cardstock on your work surface. Using a paintbrush, apply a layer of Mod Podge Mega Glitter to the cardstock and let dry.
Grab your craft knife, mat, and ruler. Cut the cardstock in 3/4″ strips. On the back of each strip, make a small dot in the center with your pencil.
Using the hot glue, attach the strips in the center, first making a cross with two pieces. Use the hot glue to attach two more strips, splitting the cross shape with an “X.”
Join the ends at the top with the same method as above, starting with the first strip. You’re going to cross, and then cross. Let cool.
Punch a small hole in the top of the paper ball using a needle and thread and add your desired hanger.
See if you like the level of glitter in step one – if so, you can move onto the next step. If you want more glitter, repeat and let dry again.