Lay one of the plates upside down on top of the fabric. Using a pencil or chalk, draw a circle about 1" wider than the plate all the way around.
Cut out the fabric circle. You will need one circle for each plate. I was able to get eight 10" plates out of one yard of fabric.
Lay a plate upside down on a sheet of wax paper. Clean it well with glass cleaner and paper towels to remove any fingerprints from the glass, then paint a good, even coat of the Mod Podge all over the back of the plate.
Place a fabric circle right-side-down on top of the plate and gently smooth it out to cover the plate and remove any creases. Gently pull and stretch the fabric a tiny bit to make it cover a rounded surface without creasing.
Gently rub the entire surface with fingers or a squeegee to remove any air bubbles and make sure everything is stuck tight to the glass.
Paint a light, even coat of the Mod Podge over the entire back surface of the plate and allow to dry.
Using very sharp scissors or an X-Acto knife, cut away the excess fabric around the edge of the plate as close to the edge as possible.
Paint 4 - 5 more light coats of Mod Podge onto the back of the plate, allowing it to dry 15 - 20 minutes in between coats. Wait at least 72 hours before using the plates to allow the Mod Podge to set up completely.
Wse soft bristle taklon paintbrushes to minimize brush streaks!