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Doily Bowl Stiffened with Mod Podge
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Doily Bowls

Learn how to stiffen crochet doilies using Mod Podge Stiffy. In this project, I turn doliies into bowls.
Prep Time10 minutes
Active Time45 minutes
Dry Time12 hours
Total Time12 hours 55 minutes
Yield: 2 bowls
Cost: $2


  • Bowl
  • Small plastic container
  • Cookie sheet


  • Doilies any size
  • Fabric stiffener
  • Aluminum foil or plastic wrap or both


  • Cover bowls with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Cover a cookie sheet or your work surface at the same time.
    Covering a bowl with aluminum foil
  • Squeeze the Mod Podge Stiffy into a plastic bowl. Make sure there is enough to fully coat the doilies.
    Squeezing fabric stiffener into a bowl
  • Add a doily to the fabric stiffener and push it around. Take it out of the Stiffy and squeeze out the excess.
    Soaking the dollies in the fabric stiffener
  • Spread the doily out on the bowl, making sure to center it. Wrap the doily around the sides of the bowl and press down.
    Wrapping a bowl with a doily
  • Place the bowls on the covered cookie sheet and place somewhere to dry overnight.
    Doilies with fabric stiffener drying on a cookie sheet
  • Release the doily from the bowl to use. Remove the plastic wrap to display your bowls.
    Doily Bowl Stiffened with Mod Podge
