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DIY Merry Christmas decor
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DIY Merry Christmas Decor

Learn how to make this unique Merry sign with a wood plaque, paper mache letters, and other simple supplies. It's great for displaying on a holiday mantel!
Prep Time30 minutes
Active Time3 hours 30 minutes
Dry Time2 hours
Total Time6 hours
Yield: 1 sign
Cost: $23



  • 1 Wood plaque(s) 23.2″ x 5.4″ - mine's from JoAnns
  • Paper mache letters – 6″ spelling “MERRY”
  • Craft paint colors to coordinate with your papers plus white
  • 5 sheets Scrapbook paper
  • Faux snow
  • Mod Podge Satin
  • Bottlebrush trees and other Christmas embellishments deer, snowmen, wreath, etc


  • Choose the papers to cover your letters. Lay out the papers and decide on your paint colors for each letter.
    Five sheets of Christmas scrapbook paper spread out on a counter
  • Trace the letters onto the back of the scrapbook paper using a pencil or pen.
    Tracing a paper mache letter M on the back of scrapbook paper
  • Cut out the letters using your scissors. For tricky areas like the insides of some of the letters, it's easier to use a craft knife.
    cutting out the letters using scissors and a craft knife
  • Paint the top of the wood plaque with white craft paint. Paint the edges of the plaque with another color (I used light green) and a smaller brush. Paint the sides and back of the letters with the colors of your choice at this time. Let dry.
    painting the plaque with white and green
  • Wax the edges of the plaque with a white candle. Just do it lightly all the way around the plaque.
    Rubbing the wax candle on the edge of the plaque
  • Paint around the edge of the plaque with green metallic paint, or your choice of color. Let dry.
    Painting metallic green over the top of the light green paint
  • Use the sandpaper to lightly remove some of the metallic paint. Wherever the wax is, you'll reveal paint below. Sand until the desired effect is reached.
    Sanding off the paint to distress the edge
  • Apply a medium coat of Mod Podge to the letters, one at a time.
    Applying Mod Podge to the top of a paper mache letter M
  • Smooth the paper down on top of the first letter, using a brayer or your hands. Wipe away any excess Mod Podge that comes out the edges. Let dry. Repeat with remaining letters.
    smoothing the paper down onto the layers with fingers and a brayer
  • Once all the letters have the paper on the fronts and are dry, coat them all with a layer of Mod Podge. Let dry.
    Adding Mod Podge to the paper on the top of a letter Y
  • Place the letters on the plaque in the desired format. Once you have the placement you like, tilt the letters back in place and add some hot glue to secure. Tilt the letters forward to adhere to the plaque.
    Letters glued to the plaque and drying on the counter
  • When the letters are secure, add a layer of Mod Podge to the top of the plaque. Sprinkle on the faux snow and tap off the excess.
    Sprinkling faux snow into wet Mod Podge
  • Decide where the embellishments are going. Hot glue them directly to the plaque and let set before displaying.
    Hot gluing a wreath to the front of a letter