Clean your light plate covers with rubbing alcohol. Set the screws aside.
Trace your outlet and/or light switch cover onto the wrong side of your fabric.
Cut out each tracing with an additional half inch of space between the outer edge of each tracing and the edge of your fabric piece. Also cut out tiny holes for the screws, switches and electrical outlets.
Rinse off the pen lines in the sink and pat your fabric dry.
Paint a layer of Mod Podge on your plate covers. Line up your fabric cutouts and place wrong side down.. Be careful to get the screw holes just right.
Add Mod Podge on the edges and fold the fabric over. Trim the fabric with scissors if necessary.
While the edges were drying, apply a generous layer of Mod Podge over the outside of the front of the plate cover.
Use clothespins to hold the fabric in places on the edges if needed. Remove the clothespins before the Mod Podge dries, after the fabric has settled. Let the plates dry completely.
Replace the outlet covers with the screws.
Tip: If you get bubbles between your fabric and plates, a brayer is helpful for ironing them out.