Wash and dry mason jars with mild soap and water. Let dry.
Use orange acrylic paint and your liner brush to add noses to two of the jars. Let dry. Use black acrylic paint and the end of a paintbrush to make dots for the eyes. Let dry. On two other jars, paint three buttons in the same way. Let dry.
For the scarf, cut a strip of aqua felt about 1" wide. It's easiest to use your ruler, craft knife, and mat for this. Fringe the ends with scissors.
Grab the black felt. Cut a long piece the same you did for the scarf. Unscrew the mason jar ring and make sure that it fits around correctly with a slight bit of overlap. Trim to fit.
Make the brim of the hat by tracing an item that is slightly larger than the mason jar lid (use the Silver Sharpie to trace). Place the mason jar ring inside the circle and trace the inside of the ring onto the felt.
Make three cuts. Cut the outside of the brim, into the middle of the circle, and then cut out the inner circle. I found that cutting the felt this way made for the tightest fit.
Before you glue any of your items together, fill the jars with the appropriate goodies. This will make it easier for you later - you won't have to unscrew the jars again.
Glue the jars together bottom to top, using the hot glue gun. Place about 4- 5 big drops of hot glue down on the mason jar lid and set the other jar on top.
Secure the brim around the lid using a few dots of hot glue. Make sure the seam is in the back. The good news about felt is that it has some stretch. If you find it doesn't quite fit . . . stretch it gently.
Glue the top portion of the hat with hot glue - wrapping around to the back of the jar.
To finish your cocoa jars, place the scarf around jars and secure with dabs of hot glue. Let cool before gifting.