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american flag art on canvas
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American Flag Wall Art

Learn how to create this American flag on canvas using small fabric pieces and Mod Podge.
Prep Time30 minutes
Active Time3 hours 30 minutes
Dry Time1 hour
Total Time5 hours
Yield: 1 canvas
Cost: $10



  • Measure the thirteen stripes for your canvas using a ruler; mark off with a pencil.
    Measuring for the canvas stripes
  • After you've made your marks with a ruler, trace the lines out all the way across the canvas.
    Tracing out the stripes
  • Mark out the union and star area that you are going to paint blue. I recommend five stripes tall and then 9 1/8" across.
    Marking out the area to paint blue
  • Paint the red stripes using acrylic paint. Let dry. Erase any remaining pencil marks.
    Painting the red stripes
  • Paint the blue area with acrylic paint. Set the canvas aside to dry and then begin preparing your fabric.
    Painting the blue area
  • Cut the fabric into strips a little over an inch, then cut into smaller squares a little over an inch. See the notes for estimated quantity.
    Cut fabric into squares
  • Start with the blue area. Add Mod Podge to the canvas with a paintbrush. Place down a square of fabric and Mod Podge over the top.
    Add Mod Podge to the canvas
  • Continue in this same method until the blue area is filled in, then work down the stripes. Use overlapping squares all the way down the canvas until covered. Let dry. Add a coat of Mod Podge to the canvas and let dry.
    Adding red and white fabric squares
  • Paint 18 wood stars with white acrylic paint and let dry.
    Painting wooden stars with white acrylic paint
  • Glue the stars down to the canvas with craft glue. Let dry completely before hanging.
    Gluing stars to canvas


  • I buy my canvases in multi-packs, so my project cost is based on that
  • I used the following square counts for this canvas: red - 104, white - 86, blue - 72