Mod Podge Rocks 

Make a Doily Bowl with Mod Podge Stiffy

I used doilies from the dollar bins and Mod Podge Stiffy in this unique doily bowl project! You can make one with any size doily.


Doily, any size Mod Podge Stiffy  Aluminum foil or plastic wrap (or both) Real bowl a little larger than the bowl size you want to make Small plastic container


Cover a bowl with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Cover a cookie sheet at the same time.

Squeeze the Mod Podge Stiffy into a plastic bowl. Make sure there is enough to fully coat the doilies.

Add a doily to the Stiffy and push it around. Take it out of the Stiffy and squeeze out the excess.

These were pretty rock hard and could even hold candy. I was thrilled with my doily bowls.

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