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image transfer on metal
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Photo Transfer to Metal

Explore the creative process of pictures transferred to metal! Follow our easy, step-by-step guide to transform your favorite photos into beautiful and lasting metal keepsakes.
Prep Time15 minutes
Active Time45 minutes
Dry Time1 day
Total Time1 day 1 hour
Yield: 1 transfer
Cost: $3



  • Print the photo and cut to size so that no border remains.
    piece of metal, photo, photo transfer medium, and a paintbrush
  • Use the paintbrush to spread on a thick layer of Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium on the image side of the paper. It should be even and entirely cover and obscure the image.
    Mod Podge photo transfer medium painted over the top of a photo
  • Immediately place the image down on the sheet metal and use your hands to smooth out the paper and remove any air bubbles.
    hand smoothing down the photo transfer
  • Set aside to dry overnight. Depending on the temperature and humidity, it will be ready within 12-24 hours.
  • Once completely dry and hard to the touch, use your fingers to add a little water to one corner of the paper. Press lightly and move your fingers in a circular motion to remove the layer of paper.
  • Go slowly so that you don’t accidentally remove the image. Continue all over the paper with wet hands until all of the paper has been removed.
  • Set aside to dry for about 10 minutes. If a white layer dries over the image, you didn’t remove enough paper and will need to repeat the last step.
    pictures transferred to metal
