Fasten the curtain panel into the embroidery hoop. Screw the hoop closed and pull the curtain tight, tight, tight.
Turn the hoop over and cut the excess curtain material around the frame. Put the extra curtain aside and pull the screen taut again.
Print out or hand draw an image that you will screen print. Keep it relatively simple for your first design.
Place the screen down onto the design. Trace directly onto the screen with a pencil.
Using a paintbrush, paint Mod Podge on the screen where you DON’T want the ink to go through. This is called the “resist” because it resists the ink coming through the screen.
Let the screen dry for a few hours until it’s completely clear. Apply an additional layer of Mod Podge and let dry.
Place the screen down on the surface and paint. Tip: place something between the layers of fabric, so that the ink doesn’t bleed through. Be sure to get the corners well.
Pull the screen off. Touch up any areas that need it with ink and a detail brush. Allow to dry for 24 hours. Follow the directions on the packaging of your screen print ink to finish your project (wash or heat seal, etc.).