If shoes aren't new, clean and let dry. Clean the rubber sole with a magic eraser.
Add painter's tape around the edge of the shoe to protect the rubber sole as you paint.
Use a smaller/detail brush to paint around the edge of the shoe. Remove the painter's tape and let dry.
Paint the rest of the shoe using a flat paintbrush.
Measure the Mod Podge and put it into the mixing container. Stir in the glitter until fully mixed, making sure to scrape off of the bottom. The ratio: 1/4 cup Mod Podge to 1 1/2 T glitter.
Use the spouncer to apply the first layer of glitter to the first shoe. Place the Mod Podge and glitter at the end of the spouncer and spounce up and down to cover.
Cover the entire shoe, getting around the edges of the shoe near the sole with a detail brush. Let the shoe dry and repeat with the second shoe.
After the first coat dries, add a second coat to both shoes and let dry.
To finish, add a third coat of Mod Podge and glitter to your shoes. Let dry overnight.
When done, remove any excess Mod Podge around the edge with a craft knife (carefully). Let cure for 28 days before wearing.
Costs vary for this project! I purchased the shoes for $5 and had the rest of the supplies on hand.