Paint the craft pumpkin with Licorice (unless you got a black craft pumpkin).
Tape the white transfer paper behind the pattern onto the pumpkin surface. Use a stylus or pencil to trace the image, leaving the white lines behind.
Use your small brush to paint in the skeleton design with gray paint. Follow the pattern lines as closely as you can. Keep painting until you’ve filled the skeleton completely in and then allow to dry. Don’t forget the stem.
Use your small brush and silver to paint over the gray. It gives it a nice little sheen. Cover and then allow to dry. Paint the stem too.
Coat the pumpkin with several layers of Sparkle Mod Podge, allowing to dry between coats. Set aside and allow to dry.
While you are waiting for the pumpkin to dry, take some of the leaves and glue onto the ends of pipe cleaners.
Once dry, wrap the pipe cleaners around a finger to make a curled vine effect.
Using the hot glue gun, attach the pipe cleaner “vines” to the top of the pumpkin, then start attaching leaves. Let the glue cool completely before displaying.