If you have a darker suitcase, paint it with white acrylic paint before you add the photos so they “pop” off of the surface when you decoupage.
Give the photos a vintage touch by using filters in your favorite photo editing program, if you like.
Use PowerPoint or another program to size and print your photos.
Cut all photos out with the scissors and set aside.
Start attaching the photos to the front of your suitcase using Mod Podge. Paint a medium layer down and smooth the photo on top. Keep adding photos – overlap them and let some hang off of the side (you’ll trim later).
Once all of the photos are on the front, let it dry for 15 – 20 minutes. Then paint the top with another coat of Mod Podge and let dry.
When the top is dry, trim using a craft knife. Repeat the process with the rest of the suitcase.
TIP: If you want your vintage suitcase decor to be extra durable, use a spray sealer when finished. Take the suitcase outside and give it 3 – 5 coats, letting it dry between coats.