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Wood letters covered with comic books
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Comic Book Letters

Learn how to make these comic letters with Mod Podge! Perfect for a kids' themed superhero bedroom or man cave.
Prep Time20 minutes
Active Time3 hours
Total Time3 hours 20 minutes
Yield: 4 letters
Cost: $25



  • Paint the edges of the wood letters with acrylic paint. Let dry.
    Wood letter painted with black craft paint on the edges
  • Cut the comic books or color copies into "bite-sized" pieces.
    Comic book pages cut into smaller pieces and a pair of orange handled scissors
  • Add Mod Podge to the back of the comic book pieces and then to the front of the letter. Smooth them down, layering as you go. Let dry.
    Comic book paper decoupaged to the top of a wood letter L
  • Flip the letter over onto a craft mat and use a craft knife to trim off the excess.
    Trimming excess from around the wood letter L with a craft knife
  • Add a coat of Mod Podge on top (or two) to seal your letter. Repeat steps 1 - 5 with the other letters.
    Adding a second coat of Mod Podge to the top
  • Once the letters are complete and dry, hang them to the wall with Command strips.