Protect the work surface and place your clay saucers down. Spray them evenly with paint and let dry for at least 20 minutes. Turn over and repeat. Continue doing this until your saucers are evenly covered on both sides and dry.
Print out the included bean bag toss printable on presentation paper (which is more durable), then cut out the circles using your scissors. I have provided point values of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100.
Working one number and saucer at a time, coat the back of the paper with a light layer of spray adhesive.
Smooth your number down inside the saucer until it’s completely adhered. Repeat with the other numbers.
Seal the numbers to the terra cotta pot saucers with Mod Podge Outdoor or another water-resistant sealer. Let dry for 24 hours before using.
Always remember to use spray paint in a well ventilated area! To play, let each person take a turn with all bean bags. Add up the total score. Player with the largest score wins.