Mod Podge Rocks 

Poinsettia Canvas Christmas Craft for Kids

This easy Christmas craft for kids will be a cute addition to your holiday decor! Families can make this poinsettia canvas together.

Gather These Supplies

Canvas Mod Podge Sparkle or Gloss (optional) Acrylic paint Egg carton – cardboard Green pipe cleaners  Gold pipe cleaners  Gold ribbon  Craft glue or hot glue gun Scissors Pencil, awl, or other poking tool Paintbrushes


The first step is to completely paint the canvas. You don’t need to do anything special; just paint a few coats and let dry.

Once you’ve let it dry, look at the canvas and see if there are any areas that need filling in. Paint and let dry again. It seems I always miss an area when painting, and kids do it too!

An egg carton has 12 compartments (typically). You’ll want to use a cardboard carton for painting purposes. Cut the 12 compartments apart with a pair of scissors.

Use scissors to cut the egg carton compartments into flowers. This basically entails cutting a “U” or “V” shape into each side of the compartment.

What do you think of the version that my niece and I made?

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