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How to Dry Acorns for Craft Projects

Are you ready for autumn? Learn how to dry acorns for your fall projects! Prevent worms and find out how to preserve the acorns for decor.

Gather These Supplies

– Acorns – Oven – Cookie sheet – Bowl of water

How to Dry Acorns

After harvesting your acorns, put them in a bowl of water to soak or a colander and rinse them. You might want to use an old toothbrush to scrub off any debris, if you have one. Otherwise soaking them in a bowl will remove most of the dirt.

Spread them on a towel to dry for at least an hour. If any of the nuts look gross after washing and drying, throw them. away. You might see some acorns with small holes. This is a sign of insects, but drying the acorns will kill them so don’t worry!

Lay the acorns in a single layer on a cookie sheet. You’ll want to use a cookie sheet with a lip so none of the acorns roll off. Place the acorns in the oven on the cookie sheet and leave the door cracked slightly so that moisture can escape.

Now you know how to dry acorns and you can use them in all of your craft projects!

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